Category Archives: Science

Science and Art Lillies.


Liliies for observation and dissection.

Primary 7 Science and Art came together in a series of lessons looking closely at lilies and labelling the parts of flowering plant involve in reproduction. The investigations and practical activities showed learning within their Science Experiences and Outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence.

Through carrying out practical activities and investigations, I can show how plants have benefited society.

SCN 2-02b

By investigating the life cycles of plants and animals, I can recognise the different stages of their development.

SCN 2-14a

By exploring the characteristics offspring inherit when living things reproduce, I can distinguish between inherited and non inherited characteristics.Ā 

SCN 2-14b


Jack using plasticene to make a 3D diagram to show the reproductive parts of a flowering plant.

Amy, Abbey and Connie worked in a trip to label their model diagram.

Erin and Rachel in a collaborative pair.

Lauren and Connie try their hand at still life observational drawings.

Pr.1 – Growing garden

Tiana, Catlin and Brooke with their seedlings


The first harvest of the growing garden have been taken home to be enjoyed in salads around Kikrstyle. Primary 1 pupils grew their cress and mustard seeds in school until they were ready for eating – then they carefully carried them home.

Riley and Sam were keen to try theirs.
Iona, Dana and Arran held their prizes high.

Pr.4 – Electricity

As part of out electricity science topic this term Primary 4 worked in grouped to test differet circuits to see if they could lightĀ  the light bulb.Ā  Cassie was surprised that another circuit worked to light the bulb.Ā Ā Ā 

Kieran, Ellie, Jody and Sophie carefully recorded which of the circuits light up their light bulb and which did not so they could report their findings to the class.





The pupils in Pr.3/4 have been working steadily through a Life Cycles Science theme and have hatched both chicks and salmon with great success. However they can’t watch these or follow them to the end of their cycle so we took advantage of the good weather and a donation from Homebase and planted strawberries. The pupils took the plants outside into the sunshine and potted them into bigger pots to allow them room to grow. Since then they have spent the last few days watering and caring for their new plants, making labelled diagram and flow charts. Today they took them home to ensure they survive Easter – hopefully not the frost predicted! We look forward to having strawberries to sample in June.

Salmon Leap into Kirkstyle !!!

An Eggcellent view of 100 salmon eggs!
In go the eggs- all 100

Something fishy was going on in the GP Room this afternoon. A representative of Ayrshire Rivers Trust brought 100 salmon eggs for us to look after and study. Every day the pupils of Primaries 3 and 4 will study the eggs to see how they are developing. Eventually we hope to release our young alevinsĀ  into the River Irvine. Wish us luck!!