


The pupils in Pr.3/4 have been working steadily through a Life Cycles Science theme and have hatched both chicks and salmon with great success. However they can’t watch these or follow them to the end of their cycle so we took advantage of the good weather and a donation from Homebase and planted strawberries. The pupils took the plants outside into the sunshine and potted them into bigger pots to allow them room to grow. Since then they have spent the last few days watering and caring for their new plants, making labelled diagram and flow charts. Today they took them home to ensure they survive Easter – hopefully not the frost predicted! We look forward to having strawberries to sample in June.

2 thoughts on “Strawberries”

  1. I love strawberries and hope to sample them in June. What a fabulous day you had to do your planting. I hope you are all taking care of you plants during this cold weather we are now having. I wonder how many strawberries your plants will produce!!!

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