Kelvingrove Museum & Gallery

We took the opportunity whilst in Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum to look at the different artefacts they had related to Africa and our new topic Kenya. The children were amazed by how tall the giraffe is.  The children decided to measure their heights to see if any of them were as tall at the giraffes leg!

Cassie was nowhere near the same size.
Keris was taller again but not as big as the giraffe.


Badger the Mystical Mutt

The pupils in primaries 1 to 4 had a special visitor at their recent Assembly. Badger the Mystical Mutt and his two authors joined the pupils to share a chapter and answer some questions. The teachers let Badger view the class rooms and hes was thrilled to see the pictures and painting created by the pupils.

Pr.1 Miss Boyd's class display
The Pupils of the Week with Badger.
Badger and author.

Lyn McNicol one of the authors read an exerpt from Badger the Mystical Mutt, the first in the series, and the pupils discovered that Badgers favourite food was toast – he even dreamed of towers of hot buttered toast!

Oriental Lunch


Mrs Arthur and her staff  prepared lunch with an Eastern flavour. The pupils hada taster session lunch with some tasty treats; prawn crackers, noodles, chow mein, fried rice and all served with some chopsticks on the side! 


Mrs McLean joined the pupils for lunch and tried her hand at using chop sticks. A special thank you must got to Ling in Pr.7 who kindly brought some new cutlery, in the form of chopsticks, for her friends to try.
Morgan and Tiana enjoying their taster lunch.

Guide Dogs for the Blind

As part of our assembly times we invited the charity that helps the partially sighted or blind to visit us and talk to the childrne about their work.

We welcomed two visitors a helper and his trainee puppy!

This week's Star Pupils with our visitors.



The school have decided that next session we will include Guide Dogs for the Blind as one of our charity fundraising events.

Art 2012- 2013

As part of this year’s school improvement plan, a focus for development was the Art curriculum.

The teachers have been meeting in Teacher Learning Communities and setting targets to explore and develop aspects of teaching and learning.

The pupils have then tried new ideas, explored techniques and used their artistic skills to create, design and evaluate their work and others.

We hope that over the year the school entrance gallery will show you some of the developments and improvements as well as exhibitions, card competitions and playground and classroom displays throughout the year.


The pupils across the school worked towards their painting targets set by their Class Teachers and practised new techniques and demonstrated their skills. The results were very professional and deserved to be exhibited for all to see.

Therefore we enlisted the help of an outside agency that specialised in art galleries to mount, frame and exhibit the pupils’ work at Parents’ Evening.

We hope you got the oppportunity to visit the gallery and we would like to thank you for your support with this project.

These pupils’ parents and carers decided to buy their art work to hang in their own galleries at home.

Miss Boyd's artists
Mrs Walls artists
Mrs Drennan's artists
Mrs Kirkwood's artists
Mrs Morrison's artists
Miss Finnigen's artists
Miss McDowall's artists
Mr Nutt's artists
Mrs Thom's artists
Mrs Milligan's artists
Mrs Ross's artists