Rainforest – Amazonia

Our Pr.6, Pr.6/7 and Pr.7 have been working on an interdisciplinary theme that incorporates Science and Health & Well Being. The theme is supported by our Health & Well Being Development Officer in East Ayrshire and the Scottish Crimne & Drug Enforcement Agency.

The project is based around a shared responsibility which is a Columbian Government initiative supported by many international partners. It focuses on making individuals think about the impace of drug misuse, drug demand and drug production, in paricular cocaine misuse.

It is a creative and innovative project, utilising the police, health officials, Choices for life online event and pupils opinions to try and generate an attitudinal and behavioural change in a fresh way giving pupils the tools they need to make the right choices.

At Kirkstyle we have welcomed the Police taking about drugs and the law, we have scheduled a visit from health officials and Kilmarnock Academy staff to look at emergency first aid and safety and pupils and staff from the Modern languages Department to introduce our pupils to a little Spanish, the official language of Columbia.

The pupils have also explored and investigated substance misuse through an educational programme and have learned about the impact of the environment caused directly by deforestation, as a result of cocaine production.


The project is designed to be shared across our Learning Community and in turn with parents at Kilmarnock Academy’s welcome met for our parents. (Scheduled for 4th June – Pr.6 & Pr.7 pupils’ parents) A display of the pupils work and also some of their Powerpoints of research work will be on show at Kilmanrock Academy.

As part of the project our pupils visited Amazonia and got the opportunity to have some hands on experiences and see the animals they have been studying.