“Oh help! Oh no! It’s a gruffalo!”

Primary 1 would like to send a warning to everyone at Kirkstyle Primary School and neighbours in the surrounding area. It all happened on Thursday 23rd February at 9am. Primary 1 arrived at school, strolled inside to hang up their jackets and witnessed this terrifying sight.

Who or what could it be?!?

We could hardly believe our eyes! “They’re massive” said Aiden. “It’s all muddy in here” remarked Anna. “Is that your shoes?” asked Miss Davers. “They’re too big” said Gemma, “It looks like a monster”. “I’m scared!” whispered Carmen as she looked around at all her friends frightened reactions. “It’s the Gruffalo!” shouted Bailey.

Primary 1 investigate the muddy footprints
It's not my shoes Miss Davers! My feet are too small!
It's not my feet either. It must be a monster. It must be the Gruffalo!

We followed the footprints from the toilet doors, down the corridor, to … … our classroom. “Oh no! It’s in our class!” screamed Connor. “I’ll go in first because I’m so brave” decided Joshua. The footprints went into our classroom, up onto the step then out of the side door. We had a look outside to see if we could find the Gruffalo but there was no sign of him. Primary 1 discussed what may have happened. Where the Gruffalo may have gone? What he was doing in our classroom? Then we decided to write exciting Gruffalo stories to let others know about our adventurous morning. Keep an eye on our blog for our super stories and keep your eyes peeled for the Gruffalo.

He's went out the door!
He has terrible tusks, and terrible claws, and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws. He has knobbly knees, and turned-out toes, and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose. His eyes are orange, his tongue is black, he has purple prickles all over his back.

One thought on ““Oh help! Oh no! It’s a gruffalo!””

  1. What a stir the Gruffalo caused Miss Davers. Primary 4 were convinced he was hiding on the roof! I hope he doesn’t return this week!

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