Day 5

Last two chicks have been moved from incubator to brooder box. We have one big happy family now. Although we’ve still had regular opportunities to observe our fluffy friends we’ve given them time to relax and get to know each other. Having our chicks has inspired us to start preparing for next Friday’s Spring Fayre. We have had some fabulous ideas all on a chicken theme! Keep checking our blog to find out what eggciting things are going to be happening at …..CHICKEN WORLD!!!

Watching you, watching me, watching you....
Let's cuddle up!

The chicks are not being left in the school for the weekend as it ‘s important that they get fresh food ,water and clean sawdust every day, so they’re off on holiday to meet Mrs Kirkwood’s family( but not the cats!)

Native American Indians

Primary 1 received an important letter from Chief Coyahana, head of the Cheyenne Tribe. Their village has been destroyed by a fire and he needs our help to recreate a Native American Indian village in our classroom so he can get ideas for his new village. Through this topic we are developing in the following Curriculum for Excellence Outcomes:
People, Past Events and Societies SOC 0-04a
I have explored how people lived in the past and have used imaginative play to show how their lives were different from my own and the people around me.
People, Past Events and Societies SOC 0-01a
I am aware that different types of evidence can help me to find out about the past.
Art and Design EXP 0-02a
I have the freedom to discover and choose ways to create images and objects using a variety of materials.

Our Native American Indian tribe wearing beautifully printed tunics and feathered headdresses
We made a miniature village and added our own tepees
We decided to make our own camp fire to keep us warm
We have been enjoying pretending to be Native American Indians in our village for Chief Coyahana

“Oh help! Oh no! It’s a gruffalo!”

Primary 1 would like to send a warning to everyone at Kirkstyle Primary School and neighbours in the surrounding area. It all happened on Thursday 23rd February at 9am. Primary 1 arrived at school, strolled inside to hang up their jackets and witnessed this terrifying sight.

Who or what could it be?!?

We could hardly believe our eyes! “They’re massive” said Aiden. “It’s all muddy in here” remarked Anna. “Is that your shoes?” asked Miss Davers. “They’re too big” said Gemma, “It looks like a monster”. “I’m scared!” whispered Carmen as she looked around at all her friends frightened reactions. “It’s the Gruffalo!” shouted Bailey.

Primary 1 investigate the muddy footprints
It's not my shoes Miss Davers! My feet are too small!
It's not my feet either. It must be a monster. It must be the Gruffalo!

We followed the footprints from the toilet doors, down the corridor, to … … our classroom. “Oh no! It’s in our class!” screamed Connor. “I’ll go in first because I’m so brave” decided Joshua. The footprints went into our classroom, up onto the step then out of the side door. We had a look outside to see if we could find the Gruffalo but there was no sign of him. Primary 1 discussed what may have happened. Where the Gruffalo may have gone? What he was doing in our classroom? Then we decided to write exciting Gruffalo stories to let others know about our adventurous morning. Keep an eye on our blog for our super stories and keep your eyes peeled for the Gruffalo.

He's went out the door!
He has terrible tusks, and terrible claws, and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws. He has knobbly knees, and turned-out toes, and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose. His eyes are orange, his tongue is black, he has purple prickles all over his back.

Day 4

The time had come!
Wow! What an experience!
Hi Pal!x
Early Thursday Morning
Number 10 Begins To Hatch
Waiting for a baby to be born can be tiring!
Do you need a hand? ...sorry beak!
At this point we were mesmerised by what was happening.

Fantastic news! When we arrived this morning we were greeted by chick number 9….and even more exciting by the sight of the last egg pipping! We were enthralled by the amazing sight of chick 9 helping to pip the egg from the outside. The two chicks were communicating with each other through the shell. When chick 9 was exhausted it lay for a wee rest on top of its hatching pal. It was incredible to watch!

Finally at 10.44 their hard work was rewarded when our final chick was pulled out of its shell by its wee pal. It was a great lesson on the power of friendship for us all!

Day 3

What a day! Eight chicks waiting for us this morning! Watched one chick hatch yesterday afternoon. Second last egg pipping as we write….watch this space!

Games Legacy

Games Legacy

Glasgow 2014 and London 2012 – two major sporting events not far apart. We want to make the most of this unique opportunity to build a positive and lasting legacy for Kirkstyle and Kilmarnock. The school is registered as part of the Get Set network to receive emails and information about the London Olympic Games including access to exclusive resources to help us participate and celebrate. Over the next two years we want to;

  • promote the values
  • harness the inspiration
  • explore the cultural diversity
  • celebrate diversity, be creative
  • think critically, understand Scotland and G.B.
  • improve health & well being
  • and importantly foster a commitment to sustainability.

Therefore we will research and compare countries from around the globe; starting with GB and Japan. In conjunction with the Queen Jubilee we will celebrate our own country and compare aspects of interest with their counterpart in our Olympic country of Japan. After brainstorming ideas the following list was decided-

  1. Primary 1 – Weather
  2. Primary 2- Famous people – monarchy, pop stars etc.
  3. Primary 3 – Landmarks
  4. Primary 4 & 3/4 – Food
  5. Primary 5 – Sports
  6. Primary 5/6 – Myths & legends
  7. Primary 6 – Religion
  8. Primary 7 – Structure of the Earth including disasters; volcanoes & earthquakes

Whole School – flags, culture: music, art and dance.

Olympic Values

HMIe commented favourably on the ethos and positive environment of the school, this has been noted by many visitors to Kirkstyle. We take great pride in the welcoming and friendly atmosphere that greets visitors. Within our current school handbook the schools’ aims and values are listed

In our school we value:


we will open our minds to knowledge, skills and the opinions of others

we will take responsibility for ourselves

we will foster self-esteem


we will treat everyone fairly

we will be tolerant of others

we will care for one another


we will make our surroundings attractive and welcoming


in everything, we will do the very best we can.

We feel the time has come to revisit these; this will be done with the Pupil and Parent Council in consultation with the pupil body and the parent forum.  During Term 4 all classes will tackle each of the Olympic and Paralympic Values in class; focusing on one value per week. Each of these values will be introduced at Assembly and will be the focus for certificates and awards the following week. In conjunction with the main message/value classes will cover specific Health & Well Being topics that relate to each of the Values.

EQUALITY launched 27th April 2012.

This could include aspects of:

  • Anti Bullying – Respect Me
  • Anti Racist Education
  • Show Racism the Red Card
  • East Ayrshire Equalities Week – 3rd – 10th March

RESPECT launched 4th May 2012.

This could include:

  • Respect & Protect project
  • Bounce Back programme
  • Anti Bullying activities
  • ThinkUKnow – Internet safety campaign and resource

FRIENDSHIP launched 11th May 2012.

This could include:

  • Teamwork activities
  • Critical skills activities
  • What’s Special about…….(Describing qualities of a class mate)
  • Respect Me campaign – internet safety –She’s still going somewhere!

DETERMINATION launched 18th May 2012

Kirkstyle Team for Active School East Ayrshire Olympics is Japan with the team motto – Determination!

  • Target setting through AifL
  • Personal Learning Plans and Learning Logs
  • Setting your goal and ambition for the future
  • 2014 wish for tree and video diary of every pupil in the school (Pupil Council?)
  • Can we Jump, Jog, Javelin, Jive the length of Japan?

EXCELLENCE launched 25th May 2012

  • Celebrating academic and wider achievement
  • Pupils creating own profile.
  • Class certificates and sharing successes

INSPIRATION launched 1st June 2012

  • Creativity and innovation through enterprise and Expressive Arts.

COURAGE launched 15th June 2012

  • Resilience.
  • Try new things – pose challenges for the week or for every day across the class
  • Transition
