Robert Burns

Who can catch poor Meg's tail?
Who can catch poor Meg’s tail
No wonder Tam was scared.

Primary 6 have been studying the life of Robert Burns and have enjoyed reading  his most popular poem Tam O’ Shanter. On Burns’ Day the class helped to prepare haggis,  neeps and tatties which they later devoured. When we visited the Burns House Museum in Mauchline the children had a chance to dress up and explore the rooms to find answers to a quiz, then take part in a drama workshop where they acted out Tam O’ Shanter. Everyone had a great time.

Primary 1 Visit to Burns Museum

Our Primary 1 classes recently went on a trip to Robert Burns Birthplace Museum. When we arrived at the museum we participated in a tim’rous beasties workshop. This was ideal for building movement and language skills through imagination and performance and helped us work towards the following Curriculum for Excellence outcome:
LIT 0-07a
To help me understand stories and other texts, I ask questions and link what I am learning with what I already know.
Children explored the museum dressed up as Burns’ wee tim’rous beasties. They particularly enjoyed a game where they were to hide in a field and protect their homes from a hoolet (owl) that would chase them.
We enjoyed various role play activities with Hannah. Look at our cute wee fluffy ears and tails!
After our lunch break we were joined by Alison, a volunteer for the National Trust for Scotland. She took us on a guided tour of other Robert Burns Museum destinations. We visited Burns Monument, Brig O’Doon, Alloway Auld Kirk and finally Burns Cottage. We enjoyed finding out about Robert Burns’ past and looking at artefacts.
SOC 0-01a
I am aware that different types of evidence can help me to find out about the past.
We had to look for objects in the monument with links to the number 3


On our walk we found a large statue of 'To a Mouse'
We compared Burns Cottage with our own homes. Everyone liked the thatched roof.

Working as Archaeologists

The children in room 12 and 13 had an exciting afternoon investigating the contents of a mystery rubbish bag found on our landing.  Just  like archaeologists the children had to examine what they found and decide what sort of people had used the objects in the bag, and what they had used the objects for.

Brooke and Aimee S explore the contents of the bin bag.
The amateur archaeologists record their findings.

The childrens’ newly found archaeological skills are going to be put to good use this term as they research people of the past . The children in room 12 (p3/4) will be finding out all about the Romans and the children in room 13 (p3) will be finding out all about the Celts.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Children have enjoyed transforming the class into a Chocolate Factory.  On Monday the 23rd of January parents are invited to come and experience the magical tour, where they will be sampling various sweets and chocolates as well as trying out the delicious chocolate fountain.  Parents will also be entertained by the singing and dancing of our hard working Oompa Loompas.

Willy Wonka introducing the lucky golden ticket winners to his amazing factory and its workers!