Primary 1 Science – SORTING
Both classes enjoyed their Science activities as part of their Birds and Beasties theme. The pupils worked together to sort objects looking for similar and different characteristics. The outcome listed below is the curriculum target within A Curriculum for Excellence:
SCN 1-01a I can distinguish between living and non living things. I can sort things into groups and explain my decisions.
The pupils work towards Learning Outcomes these are the main ideas the teacher wants the pupils to demonstrate and learn from the lessons:
- Observe objects – colour, shape, size, material e.g. leaves, socks, shells, fruit, dinosaurs, minibeasts.
- Sort objects into groups that are the same.
- Say what is the same about objects in a group.
- Say what is the same about objects in a group.
The pupils continually try to expand and build on their Science Skills these are listed for sorting as:
- I can listen to instructions.
- I can answer in turn.
- I can work with a partner.
- I can observe objects.
- I can follow simple instructions.
- I can count groups of similar objects.
- I can record in a simple way.