Bag Packing

Bag Packing

Volunteers and Parent Council members gave up some of their free time to bag pack at Morrisons last weekend for Parent Council funds. The event was a huge success and the Parent Council donated £600.00 to the Palace Theatre pantomime fund and reduced the cost of everyone’s ticket and transport. A huge thank you must go to the small band of volunteers who turned up; without these people the fund raising would not be possible. Remember no matter how little any support offered is welcomed and reduces the work for the few – “Many hands make light work!”  as the saying goes.

Switch off fortnight!

Switch off fortnight!

The Eco Warriors & Eco Committee met with Miss. Davers during Assembly time and have undertaken some auditing tasks to get us switching off and not wasting energy on standby. They have visited classes and corridors; adding stickers and signs to remind everyone to switch off – perhaps you could try this at home!

Rag Bag

We are pleased to announce that the monies raised by this committee through the Rag Bag recycling has been sufficient to pay for the Nativity costumes last year and in addition purchase the Pantomime costumes for this year’s upper school performance. Both sets of these costumes will be used year in year out, depending on performances so well done to the pupils involved and thanks for your old clothes donations, keep them coming.