All posts by Mrs MILTON

Handball Finals

Friday 12th May was the last of the handball competitions for this year and it saw the S1/2 boys head up to Ravenscraig to compete in the Scottish Finals, in Motherwell.

This was the first time many of the boys had experienced this level of handball and we were reliant on the guidance and skill of our older boys Lewis Young, William Prince, Ross Rollie, Nathan Brown, Caleb Robertson and Scott Howie.

With a tough loss to Marr College in our first game we were always playing catch up. Wins against Our Lady’s in Cumbernauld and Deans from Edinburgh saw us needing a win against Kelvinside Academy to reach the semi-finals. The boys were trailing by 2 goals with 1 minute left and managed to pull it back to tie, but couldn’t find the winning goal. 

A 4th/5th place play-off game saw our boys rally again and thanks to Captain and top goal-scorer  on the day – Lewis Young – we got over the line with a win and a respectable 4th place.

A good building block for us and ready to make some gains next year!


Netball Prizes

The Netball club held a short presentation of prizes at their last training session on Wednesday night, giving out certificates and medals to the following prize winners

S1-2 Team

Most Improved Player – Robyn Cunningham

Player’s Player of the Year – Jennifer Sharpe

Player of the Year – Bronte Mangan

S3-4 Team

Most Improved Player – Heather Gemmill

Player’s Player of the year – Amy Taylor

Player of the Year – Laura Purdie

Mrs Wallace is extremely super proud of the girls’ dedication and the improvement made this year. Look out next season!!!


School Captain/House Captain Selection Process 2017/2018

The Application Form for selection of School and House Captain is attached.

Your application form should be submitted to Mrs Grove via the main office by 2:55pm on Friday 28th April at the latest. This can be completed electronically and printed (available on school website) or hand written, but cannot exceed 1 page of A4. No late applications will be accepted.
School and House Captain Selection Procedures 2017-18

SQA Exams 2017

The SQA exams start on Tuesday 2nd May.  Please find attached the whole school exam timetable.  You will notice that some exams are on the May in-service day and May holiday, transport will be provided for these exams.  Please ensure that you let your teacher know if you require transport on these days.  Individual exam timetables will be issued on Tuesday 18th April.

Make sure that you make the most of the revision time that you have over the Easter holidays, examples of revision activities for each subject as well as study tips and general study techniques can be found in the booklets below.

Remember – the only place where success comes before work …… is in the dictionary!!!

Happy studying!!   

Auchinleck Academy Exam Timetable

Revision Help 2017



Frankie and Benny’s Pizza/Pasta Challenge

On Thursday the 23rd of March Erin Christie and Abi Davidson visited Frankie and Benny’s in Kilmarnock to compete in the final of the Frankie and Benny’s Pizza/Pasta Challenge. They were completing against St Joseph’s Academy, Grange Academy and Doon Academy and it was a close fought competition. Their creation, the SSP Calzone (which contained sweet potato fries), looked and tasted amazing and received great feedback from the judges. The girls had a fantastic experience, narrowly missing out to St Joseph’s who won the completion.

National Pi Day

It’s Pi Day!  In the Maths department our pupils were memorising the number pi to as many decimal places as possible.  Many of our students took part and enjoyed their prize, which of course was a pie.  Third place went to Fraser Maxwell, 1B1, who managed 36 decimal places.  Adam Gatherer, 1A1, achieved second place with 89 decimal places.  The outstanding winner was Ailey Porter, 3B1, who recited pi to 300 decimal places.  Amazing memory!

Illustrator Visit

The S2 Art and Design and Creative Media classes were joined by students from James Hamilton Academy to hear illustrator and author Debi Gliori talk about her work and career. They were treated to a slideshow of her development as an illustrator and heard about the ideas and creative process behind one of her picture books.  Debi’s visit was part of the Spring Read series of events organised by East Ayrshire School Librarians with funding from the Scottish Book Trust and East Ayrshire secondary schools.