Easter Mascot Breakfast

It was time to celebrate the end of term with a special themed breakfast at our breakfast club this morning. We were joined by the Easter Bunny and Minnie Mouse who handed out homemade cheesy puffs for later and a huge basket of fruit for the children to enjoy. There were also hot cross buns to enjoy too!

Two volunteers from Blood Bikes came along to take part in the fun. They explained a little about vital service they offer to our region to help save lives. The children got the opportunity to sit in the Blood Bikes car and on the motorbike. The boys and girls particularly enjoyed revving the motorbike engine.

There was a collection for this very important chariting with nearly £60 being raised.

Straight after, the whole school went along to take part in a special Easter service at Mass. The children confidently gave readings and sung Easter hymns as part of this service.

Thank you to our parent council for organising the event, to our families who were able to come along to support the fun and to Nancy and her colleague for coming along.

UNCRC Rights of the Child: Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture & Arts

SHANARRI: Healthy & Included

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