Easter Craft Fayre

It was time to celebrate a special time of year at St. Joseph’s. Our community organised an Easter Craft fundraiser to help pay for a school trip to Belfast Titanic Museum next term for our senior pupils.  The event was very well attended by our families and friends in Stranraer.  Father Ben came along to offer his support too. The children demonstrated great enterprise skills by creating crafts to sell, organising fun fundraising games and managing money too.  The raffle proved very popular with a grand prize of a hot tub kindly donated which was drawn at a later date and there was an abundance of teas, coffees and sweet treats to enjoy. We are pleased to say that our target was met. 

Thank you to everyone who donated and attended our fund raiser and thank you to our Parent Council for organising the event.

UNCRC Rights of the Child: Article 26: Social & Economic Help

SHANARRI: Included

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