Mental Health Awareness

To coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week, we are happy to share with you some ideas to do at home. During this time, it is important that we look after ourselves and our Well-being.  On this grid, there are a list of suggested ideas and activities that you could explore to support your Mental Health and Well-being at home.  We hope you have lots of fun doing these tasks and continue to look after yourself and your family.

Health and Well-Being

Agencies providing support for Pupils and Parents


·         BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) – BACP is a membership organisation that sets standards for therapeutic practice. Their online directory can be used to locate a professional counsellor, who will usually charge for their services. You can email them at:

  • Breathing Space – A confidential phoneline for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16, feeling low, anxious or depressed. Contact details: 0800 83 85 87 or
  • Child Bereavement UK – Child Bereavement UK supports families when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Tel: 0800 028 8840
  • Cruse (Scotland) – bereavement support. Tel: 0808 808 1677
  • Mental Health Foundation – have specific advice about coronavirus, mental health in the workplace and mental health for children and young people. Link to their website here:
  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 24-hour support (geared for women only) 0808 2000 247
  • NHS website with links to information about stress; anxiety, fear and panic; low mood, sadness and depression; loneliness; mental health at work; and bereavement, amongst other things:
  • Rape Crisis – for women only0808 801 0302 (6pm–12am daily)
  • Rape Crisis – Men’s advice line (men only) – confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic violence. Contact: 0808 801 0327
  • Relationships Scotland – Counselling, family mediation and child contact centres. Contact: 0345 119 2020
  • Samaritans – A confidential, non-judgemental listening service aimed at reducing distress and despair, particularly for those people experiencing suicidal thoughts. Tel: 116 123 (free to call from both landlines and mobiles)
  • SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) – improving your mental health, including information about mental health and the Equality Act 2010:
  • aims to ends the stigma and discrimination around mental health and has general tips on how to support someone during COVID-19. Link:
  • Young Minds – supporting the mental health of children and young people. Link here: []

Home Learning Guidance

All of our class learning will be shared in a learning grid, which will be posted each Friday for the following week. This grid can be found by hovering over the ‘Home Learning Support’ menu and selecting your child’s class.
In there, click on the click for the following weeks date. There will then be a PDF file appear on your screen which shows each teachers suggested activities for the week ahead.
Please also have a look at ‘Weblinks (for children)’ for further ideas.
Each child should be able to access their class Team through Glow, so please do encourage them to check this regularly.
Remember, there is no pressure for children to do all activities and we hope you have fun sharing in your child’s learning!
Best wishes and stay safe.

Home Learning Letter 25th March

Dear Parents/Carers

I am writing in response to comments from concerned parents; I am saying from and education point of view, please don’t panic about any work being sent home.

Our children are resilient, capable, adaptable and talented. This is a situation that we have not faced before and our priority it to work to keep children and adults safe.

Having said this, we would like, where possible, for pupils to log onto their Glow account and access the activities posted by their teacher.

There will be stresses and pressures on families but trying to home school should not be one of them; teachers and other adults will be working in different ways try to support families.

Teachers will send out more structured timetable of activities for pupils and families to access from next week. In the meantime, please keep an eye on Glow Teams every school day if possible. I have also attached the poster sent to you earlier “140 Thing To Do”. Remember, jigsaws, playing games, cooking exploring the garden are all parts of learning.

David Stevens

Galloway Music Festival

On Thursday, P2 and the School Choir performed two pieces at The Galloway Music Festival, conducted by Mr Flannighan and Mrs Pearsall, and accompanied by Mrs Picken. Both groups represented the school excellently, shining brightly and performing to a high standard. We are very proud of all the children who participated.

We are delighted to announce that P2 achieved first place in the competition, returning to school with a trophy!
Congratulations also go to the choir who came a very close second.

Our Weekly News – Friday 13th March

Our Weekly News – Friday 13th March
Each week we will endeavour to share something from each class but this may not always be the case. 
Primary 1
This week we have been learning how to tell the time by using small clocks and the laptops.
We were also talking about the days of the week, the months of the year and the four seasons.
In art, we painted crocuses in preparation for them coming out in spring.
“I liked using the small clocks and turning the hands.” Aria
“I like using the computer programme to learn about time.” – Aiden M
Primary 2
Mrs Judge from Kirkcudbright Tennis Club came into school to give P2 two ‘taster sessions’ of tennis coaching. The boys and girls developed their racket and ball skills.
Kirkcudbright Tennis Club have junior sessions in the Kirkcudbright academy games hall on Saturday mornings!
5-8 year olds = 10am – 10.45am
8+ years = 10.45am – 11.45am
£4 per child
Contact Lily on 07885834458 or email
“I enjoyed hitting the ball over the net.” Eilidh
“I learned to not hit the ball hard.” Brody
“I liked hitting the ball to each other and counting.” Demi
Primary 2/3
Steph and Amy came to teach us Zumba. We exercised by dancing to cool music. It was really fun and kept us fit.
Maisy said, “It was so much fun!”
Lucy said, “I thought it was brilliant!”
Darci said, “I loved it!”
Primary 3/4
We put up our dog fouling posters around Kirkcudbright. Let us know if you spot any around the town.
We have been learning how to calculate the area of a shape using squares, cubes and multiplication.
Cael, Reagan and Jack went along to a choir competition and came second. “I was glad that KBT got the top 2 spots.”
Kirsten said, “I enjoyed putting Ava’s and my poster up. It’s near the swimming pool.”
Bailey said, “We started out new topic, Vikings!”
Primary 4
We’ve gone back to self-guided language logs this week, where pupils decide which activity to do each day. This encourages independent learning and it’s worked really well this week!
Maths work has focused on decimals, including placing them on a number line and subtracting them in chimney sums.
Kayla said, “I’ve enjoyed getting ready for our tin whistle concert!”
Abbi said, “I feel I’ve got better at using decimals!”
Thursday evening is the Rotary concert at the Cochrane Hall – we’re expecting to be brilliant!
Primary 5
This week we were learning about money using ICT.
We did more work on our topic of the Celts.
In PE we were doing lots of fun teamwork games. We worked really well in teams.
Gary said, “Creating a Celtic shop then researching a Celtic recipe was really interesting.”
“Team games was good fun. I liked working with everyone.” Molly
Lily said, “I really enjoyed using ICT in maths.”
Primary 5/6
We have been learning all about the life of Pablo Picasso and his unique style of painting. We have given our own portraits a go.
We have been learning how to persuade an audience through our choice of language. We have made hand washing posters with these skills.
“It was interesting to paint in this style compared to normal.” Niamh
“It’s good to encourage everyone to keep clean, especially in school.” Matthew
Primary 6
After our visit to Wallets Mart last Friday, we were given a weaving starter pack to have a go at. We have tried to weave different patterns and enjoyed learning a new skill.
PC Brown visited us to talk about the dangers of alcohol and illegal drugs. We learned lots of new information, were shown what drugs look like and got to try on beer goggles!
As part of our class novel, ‘The Nowhere Emporium’, we created our own wondrous rooms. In the book, behind each door are rooms of wonder and imagination. We developed our skills using metaphors, similes and descriptive language, so to help bring our rooms to life.
We have continued to receive replies to our Famous Scots letters. This week, we got a reply from Chris Hoy who even gave us a like on our Twitter page!
Ciara said, “I learned how to wave a coaster and that it is easier than it looks.”
Jessica said, “I learned about how drugs can affect your body in many different ways.”
Asha said, “I learned how to work with the formula: Distance = Speed x Time, in maths set.”
Reminder: Homework projects are due to be handed in on Monday.
Primary 7
P.C. Brown visited to talk to us about substance abuse.
We wrote letters to local businesses asking for sponsorship towards our willow sculpture and we delivered the letters.
Every week we listen to the original version of a song on Monday and cover versions every other day. We talk about similarities and differences. This week’s song is ‘Take a Chance On Me’ by Abba.
Tal said, “We got to see what different types of drugs looked like so we can be aware.”
Olivia said, “I wrote to Galloway vets to ask about sponsors for our V.E. Day willow sculpture.”
Lily said, “My favourite version of ‘Take a Chance On Me’ was by the cast of Mamma Mia. Miss G. preferred the version by Erasure.”
Reminders: Bring your outdoor P.E kit for rugby on Wednesday, for the next three weeks.
Lots of Socks day on Thursday. Please send donations of baking for the bake sale.
Sleepover next Thursday.
Trip to Aviation museum on Friday.

Our Weekly News – Friday 6th March

Our Weekly News – Friday 6th March
Primary 1
As part of World Book Day, we made badges to along with our favourite books.
We brought in our favourite books and designed new front covers for them.
Lucy said, “I love reading books with mummy.”
Anya said, “Tabby McTat is my favourite book.”
Primary 2
The boys and girls in P2 enjoyed lots of fun activities for ‘Book Week’.
A real love and enjoyment of books was felt by all.
“I loved bedtime stories.” Chris
“We went to find books at the library.” Elspeth
“‘The Dinosaur That Pooped A Planet’ was funny and cool.” Ethan
Primary 2/3
As part of our World Book Day activities, we designed new front covers for our favourite books.
Primary 5
In maths we have been playing rounding games.
In our ukulele lessons, we have learnt a new song called ‘The Banana Song’.
We have finished off a section of Yoga which focused on stretching.
Keir – “The maths games were good fun.”
Ksawier – “The new song in the ukulele lesson was funny.”
Grace – “Yoga is really fun but hard work.”
Primary 6
On Monday we welcomed Jackie from the NHS who spoke to us about the dangers and effects of smoking.
On Thursday it was World Book Day. We held our own ‘World Cup of Books’ where we decided on which book we would most like to read out of 32 stories. We decided on ‘Bubble Boy’ by Stewart Foster. Now we have lots of new book ideas!
Four of our primary 6’s went to the Academy for the Cluster K’Nex competition. Their challenge was to design a flying machine. Although they did not win, they enjoyed pitting their skills against other primary 6’s
Euan said, “This week I learned how to write an autobiography entry about my best school memory.”
Archie said, “I learned that there are about 7000 different chemical in one cigarette!”
Murray said, “When the NHS came in to talk about smoking, I learned that cigarettes have rat poison in them!”
Primary 7
We have been finding out how harmful smoking is for your health. Jackie from ‘Quit Your Way’ came in to talk to us.
We have been learning about the difference between primary and secondary sources. We compared primary and secondary sources about Dunkirk.
Justin – “I was surprised about how many chemicals are in a cigarette, including arsenic, tar, carbon monoxide and cyanide.”
Sophie – “Primary sources are from someone who was there. Secondary sources are written using information from primary sources.”
Carly – “My favourite thing was seeing how to make your own burger.”
On Friday, P5/6, P6 and P7 travelled to Wallets Mart in Castle Douglas for a day of learning about farming and food. We learned about dairy, meat, deer, sheep and lots of other things! This was organised by Galloway Glens and RHET. We had a great time, as you can see by the pictures!

Our Weekly News – Friday 28th February

Next Thursday (5th March) is World Book Day. There will be lots of activities going on throughout the classes. Children DO NOT have to dress up on the day.
Primary 1
This week we were taking part in fitness training with Mrs Brown, our P.E specialist. We had fun going around different activities testing our abilities of balance, stamina, power, co-ordination, agility, strength, and many more. We often work in pairs or small groups to make a “Fitness Themed” routine. We have also been learning how to be fit, strong, healthy and build a strong core.
Duncan – “It’s awesome because it makes your core muscles very strong.”
“I liked doing the wall pushes to build up my arm muscles.” – Tom
Ross – “I liked doing sit ups to build up my tummy muscles.”
Primary 2
The boys and girls used their rhyming skills to each write a couplet poem. Each poem was about a silly sheep and they were all creature and imaginative.
Mable H – “It needs rhyming words.”
Archie – “I like rhyming with the silly sheep.”
Next week, P2 will engage in and enjoy a variety of activities linked with World Book Day. Please look in reading folders for information.
Monday = ‘Big Booky Breakfast.’ Boys and girls to come to class for 8:15am.

Primary 2/3
This week we were being coached tennis by Lucy Judge for our first week of two. We thought it was great and are exited for week two. P2 have also been doing this in the morning before break.
Anna asked, “Can I actually join the club?”
James said, “I think this is fun.”

Primary 3/4
In class we have been learning how to write directions. We have been writing directions for other people and we have tested other people’s directions.
We have been using BeeBots and building our own towns. We had to make up our own game which contained directions.
We have also been learning about legal drugs such as medicine and how to behave around them.
Sam – “I really like using BeeBots especially when we put them on a Kirkcudbright map.”
Kirsten – “I enjoyed building my town. I wanted to live next to the bridge.”
Yilin – “It was funny when the P1’s came to visit and we had to show them how to use the Beebots.”
Mikey – “When Kyle and I were showing Lacey how to use the BeeBots she was better at it than us!”
World Book Day on Thursday (No need to dress up this year).
Stay tuned for details on alternative book cover and a ‘random read’.

Primary 4
We’ve finished our history projects and they’re looking amazing! We’ve put some our findings on a giant timeline so we’re getting a big picture of Scottish History.
Magnus said, “I’ve enjoyed making posters about adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing to show what I know!”
We’re getting a visit from a harpist – Wendy Stewart – on Monday, and we’re visiting the library for Book Week on Thursday. Parent helpers are welcome, please let Mr. McClure know!

Primary 5
This week we learnt about fractions using pancakes due to it being Pancake Day.
We had to solve some really hard problems in maths. We had lots of fun doing this.
We made up our own pancake recipes and we typed them up on Word. We all made really cool recipes.
Jessica said “I learnt how to make the circle into 6 pieces.”
“I liked using division, addition and subtraction in maths problem solving,” said Noah
Molly said, “Typing up our pancake recipe was fun. I hope we do this again.”
Primary 5/6
This week we have been learning about how to write short stories. We can create a story in ten sentences or less including scene, characters and descriptive language.
On Wednesday, we went to the Dhoon for our second outdoor learning day. We took this opportunity to explore our local environment, work in teams to create symmetrical art work, toast marshmallows on an open fire and even paddle in the sea.
“At the Dhoon, we made fires, climbed rocks, completed math challenges and had free time. I played football most of the time.” Ollie
“This week we went to the Dhoon. We roasted marshmallows and also had some free time to explore wherever we wanted. I also went for a paddle. It was cold!” Emily

Primary 6
On Monday, all of P6 enjoyed a visit to ‘Dumfries Ice Bowl’ to experience Curling. This was great fun and something a lot of us would like to try again.
We are now starting to receive replies to our Famous Scots letters. So far we have replies from: Lorraine Kelly, Katrina Bryan, Mark Beaumont, Judy Murray, Shannon Archer and David Coulthard.
“I learned that in curling you use lots of muscles that you don’t think you use and I woke up with sore legs the next day!” Jessica
“I learned how to glide with two curling stones with a bag on one of my feet!” Hazel
“I learned how to write a personal recount on Curling. I set the scene, used past tense and added my thoughts and feelings!” Ayla
PE kit on Monday and Tuesday.
Wallet Mart visit on Friday (letters have been sent home). Packed lunch required for this visit.
Bring your favourite book to school on Thursday for World Book Day.

Primary 7
We have been learning about evacuees. We wrote a letter home from a evacuee’s point of view.
We have started to organise our V.E day event. We have designed invitations and started to learn songs.
We had a vocal master class at the academy with Matt. We had great fun doing the singing activities and singing the songs.
Ben S – “The singing class was good and helped us understand more about how to sing well.”
Tyler -“When children were evacuated some had a good experience and some didn’t.”
Eden – “I’m enjoying learning the ‘Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy’ because it’s a really catchy tune.”
Homework projects for this term are due to be handed in next Friday, 6th of March.
Trip to Wallets Mart on Friday 6th of March. Packed lunch required.

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