Our Weekly News – 1st October

Our Weekly News – Friday 1st October

Each week we will endeavour to share something from each class but this may not always be the case. For further details and information about our school, please head over to our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/KBTPrimary/

The boys and girls in P1F have been busy learning about letters-sounds and shapes. They have enjoyed lots of multi–sensory activities to help them learn. The class has also been practising reading simple words by sounding out the letter sounds and blending them together.
This week we have been busy practising our sounds and making things starting with ‘e’ and ‘h’.
We also found out that making something helps us to remember the sounds. We used scissors, followed instructions, as well as working with others to share materials. This week we have made astonishing elephants and designed lovely hats.
“Making my elephant helped me remember the ‘e’ sound.’’ – Archie
“I liked decorating my hat with glitter.’’ – Olivia
‘’I liked picking different materials to stick on my hat.’’ – Aria
As part of their maths topic about shapes, Primary 2 have been looking around our school for different 3D shapes in the environment. They have enjoyed using polydron to make 3D shapes and finding out how many faces they each have.
“I’ve made a cube, it’s like a dice!” – Ellie
“Mine is a cuboid, it looks like a pet carrier.” – Aylah
“I’m trying to make a football – it’s hexagons and pentagons!” – Jack
In P2/3 we made a description bubble about a classmate.
We spent Friday morning in our houses making lanterns
We have been singing about conkers!
“I loved making the lanterns, I thought it was really nice.” – Heather
“I would really like another house day very soon.” – Lucy
This week, we have been learning about climate change and created solution trees. Fiona and Ethan were teachers for the class on climate change.
Albie said, “I really enjoyed learning about the trees giving out oxygen and sucking in carbon dioxide.”
We have also been making lanterns and Molly said, “I really loved making the lanterns because we got to use the different colours.”
We have been building and developing our non-chronological report writing skills using connectives and paragraphs.
In maths, we have been developing our number knowledge using strategies like partitioning and bridging for subtraction.
We have been finishing our learning of angles by creating triangle art and investigating the properties of 2D and 3D shape.
The P4’s have started swimming lessons. This will help to develop and build confidence in and around water.
In topic, we have been comparing the different artistic styles between Hornel and Oppenheimer and creating our own landscape art.
All P4’s swimming Monday to Thursday. Remember to bring your goggles and a towel. Come to school wearing your swimming clothes under your uniform.
For Maths Week Scotland, P5 have been having fun playing maths games outdoors. They tried out a game called Tapatan, which is a lot like noughts and crosses, except you can move your opponent’s objects (fur cones and bark).
P5 have also explored symmetry and painted symmetrical pictures with some lovely colourful oak leaves.
“I thought it was really fun to play Tapatan.” – Hannah
“I found it very peaceful when I was leaf printing.” – Alba
“It was fun fiddling with nature outside with maths.” – Isis
Remember to come in your P.E kit on Monday and bring your P.E kit to school on Thursday please.
This week, we have been taking part in the Active Schools Athletics Challenges. This has involved testing our running, jumping and throwing skills and we keep trying to improve our scores.
“It’s challenging and fun,” said Hari.
We have been learning the alphabet and how to sign our names in sign language because it’s a valuable skill. Molly said, “It was good fun and I managed to sign my name.” Next time we sign we will be learning basic things like greetings and feelings.
On Wednesday, we were lantern making with P7 for the Festival of Light. They were made out of wicker, masking tape, strong tissue paper and lots of a messy mix of glue and water which went all over us! “I thought that working with the P7’s was really fun and we got lots of laughs out of it.” – Maya.
On Monday we were doing report writing about Kirkcudbright. We had to choose three categories to write about, for example, leisure, history and jobs. “It was really fun because we got to write it in our own words.”- Seumas
Remember your PE kit on a Monday and Wednesday.
Make sure to bring your project in for Monday.
Check out our Twitter page ‘@P67andMrMcClune’ for daily updates.
We have made willow lanterns for the Festival of Light with P6/7 on Wednesday.
As part of Maths Week Scotland, we created curves of pursuit art work. We learned about maths in baking too.
We learned more about COP26 with Glasgow Science Centre Live!
“I worked to help my partner and he helped me when we were building our lanterns.” – Ksawier “It was really cool how you can turn straight edge shapes into curved art.” – Grace
“It was clever how the curves appeared in our art.” – Amy
Homework project is due on Tuesday the 6th of October.
Have a go at the numeracy trail which starts at the tourist information centre in the Harbour Square. It is running until the 3rd of October.

Our Weekly News – 24th September

Our Weekly News – Friday 24th September

Each week we will endeavour to share something from each class but this may not always be the case. For further details and information about our school, please head over to our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/KBTPrimary/
Primary 1F
P1F has been developing knowledge and understanding of stories. The boys and girls identified ‘who?’, naming characters . They worked to create Elmer, the main character from David McKee’s story.
We have also been developing our digital literacy skills. We practised our mouse skills ‘click and select ‘ and ‘drag and drop ‘. We had fun creating faces and pizza!
Jaiden said, ‘’I liked sticking the patches on Elmer.’’
Mirren said, ‘’I liked making pizza on the computer.’’
Next week, please bring an empty plastic bottle to school. This will help with a technologies project on the school ‘House Day’.
Primary 1M
Primary 1M went on a walk around the town as part of their Environment topic. We talked about all the buildings and places we saw on the way.
Evie L said, “I liked the walk because I got to see things I haven’t seen before.”
Charlie said, “I liked looking at the windows with the bars at the Tolbooth.”
Next week, please send in a plastic drinks bottle for Friday. We are going to be making lanterns.
Primary 2
P2 have enjoyed finding out about Kirkcudbright as part of their topic. We know St Cuthbert is the patron saint of Kirkcudbright and had fun spotting pictures of him and his name around town.
“We spotted St Cuthbert on the lantern and near the church.” (Ella)
“We saw St Cuthbert at the museum. We saw his name on St Cuthbert street.” (Cameron)
Remember to bring your reading folders every day.
Please bring a empty plastic drinks bottle – any size. This is for a lantern making activity.
Primary 2/3
In primary 2/3, we have been writing descriptions of our playground and our animal dens.
We really enjoyed their visit to the opera. We loved Bubbly McBee and Shauny.
We were learning to communicate and work as a team by moving tyres.
“I liked going in the Barrhill woods.” (Noah)
“I liked making the houses for the animals.” (Ella)
“We made a monkey house.” (Heather)
“I liked the opera show.” (Patrick)
On Wednesday we are going on an estuary trip. Helpers needed! We are leaving at 9:30am.
Primary 3/4
This week in p3/4, we have been learning about so many things, such as Malala’s story. She was shot by the Taliban in Afghanistan but luckily she survived and managed to help loads of women and girls go to school.
We saw a show about sea pollution and we wrote our own story about sea pollution to try to show people that by our actions our wonderful planet gets affected by this. To help our stories we added pictures about the show.
We have been working hard designing our own t-shirts about women and girls right to an education.
In maths, we have been very busy learning to order tens, hundreds and thousands.
Primary 4/5
We have been learning maths in the playground this week. We were using sticks and stones creating sums on the stones. We were using the sticks for lines of symmetry.
In class, we have been learning: note taking for report writing, taking part in mental matsh challenges using vertical sums and place value, and studying Kirkcudbright artists as part of our topic.
We got to see the Scottish opera on Thursday! They came on a massive lorry and told us a lovely story and sang. We were on the 6pm news!
“I enjoyed creating our own sums with stone.” (Lexi)
“I enjoyed making lines of symmetry with branches.” (Lucy)
“I really liked that they added dance moves in to the singing.” (Zed)
“They played the instruments in time with the singing.” (Alisha)
“My favourite was the bass guitar.” (Ethan)
Primary 5
We all went for a walk down our beautiful St Mary’s Isle to explore our local area. We sat on the rocks and used our senses to capture the atmosphere whilst sketching. On the way back from our lovely walk we were lucky enough to pass a farrier changing the shoes of two beautiful horses.
“It was exciting seeing the horses,” said Kirsten. “I loved watching the tide come in,” said Brooke.
Next week is Bike to School week and we can reduce our carbon footsteps.
Primary 6
Last Friday, we went to a Viking encampment trip. We learned how to make dyed wool and how to make string. We learned lots of things like how to fish, forge and baking. The thing we liked most about it was turning the quern stone.
On Thursday, we took part in some outdoor maths. We did symmetry using parts of nature. We also used our bodies to look at angles. We worked in groups of three to make different types of triangles.
On Wednesday, we did Liverpool Maths with Ross. We did maths activities like tangrams and polygonal shapes.
“Turning the quern stone was really hard work. I got my knees covered in flour.” (Jack H)
“We made angles with our bodies. It was great fun.” (Sylvie)
“Liverpool Maths was hard but we persevered and got there in the end.” (Kayla)
“It was fun making symmetrical patterns with materials from nature.” (Adam)
Primary 6/7
This week, the Active Schools Athletics Challenge was testing our skills. We were practising things like aim and sprinting. “PE this week was testing my skills and I enjoyed it a lot.” –Magnus
Ross from the Dumfries and Galloway STEM team came and gave us a visit with some fun maths activities for Maths Week Scotland. The majority of them were puzzles and the rest were brain games. “It was really fun. I don’t normally like maths but really liked the activities he brought.” –Abbi.
We were reading ‘Stormbreaker’ as our class novel. The book was all about spies and adventure. All of us really enjoyed it and Aimee said, “I liked it because there were a lot of a cliffhangers and that kept me interested.”
There is one week left to complete our homework projects, they are due in on Monday 4th of October.
Log into Sumdog at home and take part in the national Maths Week Scotland competition.
Primary 7
We took part in a COP26 workshop, looking at carbon footprints of countries and how we can all help the climate emergency.
We were writing reports about the features of Kirkcudbright.
We took part in a Funmaths problem solving workshop. We enjoyed all the fun maths activities.
Our song of the week is ‘Everybody Hurts’ by R.E.M. We really enjoy listening to this song, it is amazing.
“The maths was fun but challenging and you had to stick at it to get the answers.” (Lucas)
“The maths helped me work with a partner. We had to keep trying to get the answers.” (Gary)
“I enjoyed writing the report because I know a lot of facts about Kirkcudbright.”
-Maths Week Scotland – Log into Sumdog at home and answer as many questions as you can!
– Remember! Homework projects are due on Tuesday the 5th of October!

P5 Class Trip

P5 had a wonderful day at Abernethy, Barcaple on Tuesday in brilliant sunshine. They all got drenched on the lochan  when kayaking, baked tasty bannock bread by the camp fire and enjoyed the challenges of the new climbing wall. A big thank you to all the instructors and staff at Barcaple who made it such a memorable adventure.

Return to school

Please find below important information about pupils returning to school on Wednesday 14th August.

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you and your family are well and ready for our return to a new school year. We recognise things have been difficult for many people and that we are not ‘back to normal’ yet. We also know that things may change quickly, and we will need to respond to any changes. I write to you now with the current information as it stands regarding pupil’s return to school.

School pupils will start back on Wednesday 12th August

Pupils may enter school between 8:50 and 9:10am. Pupils should go directly to the classroom and wash their hands. They will not play in the playground.

Entry to school

Nursery – Parents will take their children to the Nursery door. Parents will hand children to staff outside the door, social distancing should be observed. Transition visit dates and times will be sent to parents shortly. A full start for nursery children will commence on Monday 17th August.

P1 & P1/2 – Parents will take their children to the classroom door via the gate near the carpark and MUGA. Parents will leave school the same way.

The remainder of the school are to use the usual side gate. No parents of these pupils will be allowed into the playground.

Parents will not be allowed into the school but should phone or email the school with any information or questions.

We ask that where possible pupils and parents walk or cycle to school. Where this is not possible please consider ‘park and stride’ where the car is parked away from the school and pupils and parents make the short walk to school.

Office drop box

There will be a box placed in the school entrance for letters and notes to be handed into school.

On entry to the school pupils will wash their hands in the classroom. Teachers will have arranged for a starter activity for the class to do during the first 20 minutes.

Pupils should make every effort to maintain a 2m distance from staff.

Pupils will use their own pencils etc. provided by the school. We ask that pupils do not bring toys into school and only the essentials are brought to school.

Work and books moving between school and home will be kept to a minimum, but pupils will still have reading book to take home and some homework.

Breaktimes and lunchtimes will be staggered.

Lunches will be ordered in the classroom in the morning as usual but initially no hot food will be available. Lunches will be delivered to the classrooms for pupils to eat in their room. Lunch money can be brought to school by the pupil in an envelope with pupil’s name, class and amount written on the outside or dropped off at the office drop box. D&G hope to soon move to a cashless system.

Leaving times

Leaving times will be staggered.

P1 – 3:00 Pupils collected from outside the classroom by parents via MUGA gate

P1/2 – 3:05 Pupils collected from outside the classroom by parents via MUGA gate

P2/3 leave at 3:00 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P3 leave at 3:00 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P4 leave at 3:05 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P5 leave at 3:05 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P5/6 leave at 3:10 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P6/7 leave at 3:10 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P7 leave at 3:15 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground


Enhanced cleaning of the school has been arranged and the school will be cleaned constantly throughout the day.

Although social distancing between children is no longer required we ask that you remind your child/children to respect the 2m distancing between children and adults. Also that coughs and sneezes should be caught in a tissue or the crook of the elbow and not the hand.

Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell. We will ask you to remove your child if they are coughing, appear to have a high temperature or seem unwell.

It is important that if a member of your family must self-isolate that the child does not attend school and we are informed that you are in isolation.

The arrangements above will be reviewed often and regularly. It is very likely that changes in procedure will be necessary but we will endeavour to keep you informed as soon as any decisions are made. We will all work hard to keep everyone safe in school and the systems put in place will help in doing this. I appreciate and thank you in advance for your usual support and patience as we navigate through our first few weeks back.

David Stevens

Head teacher

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