Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

Learning about Christianity at Church


P5-7 pupils visited Kirkcolm Church on Tuesday afternoon as part of their RME topic, learning about Christian artefacts, worship and rites of passage. Rev. Marlane Cash kindly met us at the church and was on hand to explain to everyone about the significance of various artefacts, including the font, pulpit, lecturn, chalice, communion wafer, organ, Bible and cross. Pupils even got the opportunity to try a bit of the communion wafer – but emphasised that this hadn’t been blessed! Pupils were all of a sudden keen to attend church for Communion after learning that even children get offered the red wine!!

Marlane then explained how Sunday worship usually looks and spoke about hymns, Bible readings, the sermon that she leads, the Lord’s Prayer and the benediction. Pupils asked lots of questions to further their learning.

We had a great afternoon learning about Christianity in an interactive way – thanks to Marlane for giving up her time to speak to us.

UNCRC Article 14 – freedom of thought & religion

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