Jack and Linnea from the Children’s Parliament were back to visit P5-7 this morning. Their focus this time is to explore the 4 Cs with the class – community, curriculum, campus and culture. This is because the Scottish Government has tasked them with sharing what our schools are doing to be kind to the environment, nature and the community with all schools in Scotland.
Today we focussed on ‘campus.’ We started off with a scavenger hunt outside, where pupils had to think of an answer to show off their school rather than the first thing that came to mind! For ‘places where we grow nature,’ some pupils wrote down the tyres (where plants grow), the poly crub, and the orchard. For examples of recycling on campus, pupils wrote down the Rag Bag bin, the battery recycling, pen recycling, compost bin and black paper boxes.
We then went indoors and each pupil walked through the ‘dignity curtain’ to show that this was a safe space where they would be treated with dignity and their ideas listened to. Each group had to pick 1 of their answers from the scavenger hunt to explore further. They are going to turn this into a board game that will be sent to all schools in Scotland. Small groups went out to the poly crub with Linnea, where she recorded a podcast with them. They answered her questions all about how they connect with nature at school and what other schools could do to be more eco-friendly.
We are looking forward to our next session on Tuesday of next week! Thank-you to Jack and Linnea for their time this morning and for listening to our views.
- The Dignity Curtain!
- Scavenger Hunt