Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

Safer Internet Day


Today was Safer Internet Day, and to kick the day off, our Digital Leaders (Alistair and Lyle) led an assembly all about this years theme – online scams and how to protect yourself. Alistair and Lyle explained to pupils what a scam is and what it might look like, pupils discussed what they would do if they encountered a scam and who they could talk to. In assembly groups, they then participated in a Safer Internet Day quiz, showcasing their new knowledge. To conclude the assembly, Alistair & Lyle shared a competition that they are running – for pupils to design their own Cyber Superhero and detail what their powers would be in helping others to stay safe online. They also shared details of a Friday lunchtime club that they are going to run, aimed at P1-3 pupils in helping them to practise logging onto the computer, to Glow, accessing Sumdog, sending an email, etc.

After morning break, pupils participated in a BBC Live Lesson where they watched some videos and had key questions to discuss. This taught them all about using technology responsibly, respectfully and safely; recognising acceptable and unacceptable ways of behaving online; and learning how to report any concerns they might have.

Finally, after lunchtime, P5-7 pupils participated in an Adobe Express live lesson. This was both to help them become familiar with Adobe Express (which is an online multimedia creation tool where pupils can create videos, documents and graphics) but also to learn further about scams and how to protect themselves online.

Pupils have until next week to complete their cyber superhero designs for the Digital Leaders competition – we can’t wait to see the creative ideas that they come up with!

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