Yesterday P1-4 left for a wee day at Culzean Castle, kindly paid for by our very generous parent council
When we arrived at Culzean we were met by our rangers who took us to the woods to start our woodland explorer workshop. We learned about how trees grow and how seeds are dispersed to create new ‘baby’ trees. We then had a wee discussion about the importance of trees and woodland areas for animals and minibeasts.(shoutout to our little people and Ms Whorlow and Mrs McHarg as our rangers were super impressed with all our amazing Eco knowledge).
It wasn’t long until we had the sleeves rolled up and our hands in the dirt searching for minibeasts; worms, slaters, centipedes, millipedes, slugs and even mites. It’s certainly not my idea of fun, but they had an absolute blast!!

From little to large, we then went a wee walk along to the deer and llama park but unfortunately they were too busy sunbathing to take much notice of us..
After that we went on what Miss Douglas thought was a short walk along to the Swan Pond for lunch (however I was told by numerous sources that this was “the longest walk ever”, and we even had a few who thought their legs were going to fall off #dramaqueens
After a beautiful picnic lunch by the pond, we hit the Adventure Park, which was the highlight of many people’s day. I am sure mums and dads have heard a lot about this already, it even topped New Luce’s fab park!
We finished the day with some great fun at the park before our ‘long’ walk back to the bus, all tired out from our lovely day. We couldn’t have picked a better day for a school trip if we tried!! 

Big thank you to Kirkcolm Parent Council for paying for the trip as well as Kim McGuire and Kerry Holland who kindly joined us on our day out!
– Miss Douglas
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