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Internet Safety Day

Heathhall Primary School signed up to be part of Internet Safety Day on Tuesday 8th February. Throughout the school the children were participating in activities related to staying safe.


The nursery also took part in Internet Safety Day and  Sophie said ‘I play safe games’

Primary 1

Alex, our Digital Leader, helped us with our learning. He told us we have to ‘Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Kind’. We also read a story about Smartie the Penguin to help us learn about staying safe online. It had a special rhyme to help us remember what to do…
‘Before you tap and click, you need to stop and think…and tell someone!’


Primary 2

For Internet safety Day we read a story all about staying safe when we are on computers. We then sang a song about staying safe. We also worked with a partner to think about what it is safe to share online and what we should keep private.

Primary 3

P3 have been learning how to stay safe online when playing games.  They were also given advice from the Digital Leaders about what to do if they are feeling unsure when playing online.

The class also talked about keeping their passwords and personal information private.

Primary 4

Today is Safer Internet Day 2022.  We talked about what you need to do to stay safe on the internet.  We discussed what information is safe to share online and we talked about the message for Safer Internet Day 2022.  We thought about all the ways we can show respect when we are playing other people on games online.  Mrs Boyd gave us scenarios that could happen and different responses to these.  We worked in pairs to pick something we would do if the event happened to us and what we wouldn’t do.

Primary 4/5

P4/5 discussed gaming as it was the most popular way in which we used the internet.We knew many of the ways to safe and discussed them.
We had lots of stories to share and advice to give.

Primary 5/6

The Digital Leaders gave the class a presentation followed by a quiz to check they had learned about Safer Internet Day. The class completed a word search using words linked to internet safety.

Chloe – I learned the theme is fun and games.

Isla – I learned Safer Internet Day happens in 170 countries

Shubhra – I was reminded to block people if I need to.

Lacey – I was interested to learn how many people use the internet around the world and was also reminded to tell an adult if something is worrying me.

Primary 6/7

We completed a safety quiz for using the internet. We then worked in pairs to create an information poster. We had to decide whether it was for an infant or upper class. We are going to display them around the school.

Primary 7

For Safer Internet Day Primary 7 have learned about what information should be private and public. We watched a video on the UK Safer Internet Centre website and discussed what advice to give to others to stay safe online. We then created a poster about internet safety and important ways to stay safe online.

Exploring Technologies in P2/3

Before Christmas, P2/3 started to explore some of the school’s fantastic technologies resources! These were the KAPLA blocks and the Make Do kit. The KAPLA blocks can be used alongside challenge cards to build different models. The Make Do involves learners using child friendly saws, screwdrivers, screws and cardboard to make different models. Learners were given freedom and were encouraged to use creativity whilst exploring these resources as this was the first time they had used them before! The discussion, teamwork and problem solving was fantastic and learning was of high quality. When asked if the class would like to use these resources in other learning tasks there was a resounding YES!

Outdoor Learning in P2/3

Alongside developing our number knowledge in maths this term, we are learning to explore and use grid references, compass points and directional language. This week, P2/3 took their maths learning outdoors! The task for this lesson was to work as a team to create a functional grid using the natural sticks collected from the outdoors, and to then accurately annotate the grid using chalk. Learners then had to challenge each other by giving their partner a grid reference to draw something in. All learners loved this task, especially the problem solving that came with using the natural materials! Have a look at some of our success! Great work Superstars!