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TERM 1 IN P5/6

On Tuesday 6th September, we had our open day with a theme of Creativity. We welcomed adults in to our classroom to help complete KAPLA challenges, role playing as a news reporter with our own scripts and coding on Scratch.



















On Tuesday 13th September in the afternoon, we created a piece of art relating to our IDL topic of Natural Disasters. We traced our own volcano then used oil pastels to create colour and tones. We also discussed perspective through this piece of art.

Beginning of Term 1 in Primary 4

At the start of Primary 4 we made a collaborative poster to decorate our class.  Mrs Boyd and Mrs Little wanted to get to know us better so we made some ‘All About Me’ bunting and wrote down what we can’t imagine our lives without.  We put all these things together in a display.  We drew our own self portraits and wrote about what we are looking forward to in Primary 4.

In Literacy we started reading a class novel called ‘Storm’ and we have been developing our comprehension skills using the novel.  Mrs Little has been focussing on descriptive writing and we have written descriptions of Roald Dahl’s ‘The Twits’, which we have already finished reading together, and the Roly-Poly bird from the same book.  We have also been learning new spelling words and practising these in lots of different ways.

In Numeracy we focussed on place value and in Maths we have been learning about grid references and we created our own islands.

In Skills Academy Mrs Boyd has helped us learn about algorithms and in Digital Literacy we have been learning about Teams and emails.

Our IDL topic is Geography and we have learned about the continents and are going to focus more on the UK and Scotland by using atlases and maps.

In Health and Wellbeing we have been identifying emotions and developing our drama skills to act our scenarios to show different emotions.

We have been very busy!

Our learning so far…

We have been learning how to do the register in French. – Freddie
Boys learnt to say ‘Present’ and girls learnt to say ‘Presente’. – Katie
When somebody is off we either say ‘Absent’ or ‘Absente’. – Oliver

We have been learning to tile. – Henri
Tiling is different shapes going together without any gaps. – Murray.

Here are some pictures of our tiling work.

We have been learning about Hundreds, Tens and Ones. – Olivia
We have been learning to make numbers with the Hundreds, Tens and Ones, for example, 9 in the hundreds column is 900, 5 in the tens column is 50 and 8 in the ones column is 8. – Murray.

In Skills Academy we have been learning some music. – Leo
We learnt about ‘melody’, ‘pitch’, rhythm’ and ‘pulse’. – Oscar
We have been listening to different genres of music. – Eva

We have been reading books in our new reading groups. – Isla W
We have been doing our Speed Words. – Isla G