New Mathematics Homework Resources

We have added new mathematics homework resources to the Homework sidebar of our school blog. Within these web based resources are opportunities for parents to let children explore and stretch themselves within the world of maths/number. Take time to explore if you are interested in your child having access to additional maths resources and activities at home. (Warning- at least one of the new sites involves a subscription).

Please remember that these sites are not officially endorsed by us or our education department so normal caution is required when accessing them.NRICH-website1

2nd Round Results !!

We had a top notch  Bananagrams 2nd round competition today, with some excellent words being made, stilts, wonder, sly, groceries to list just a few examples.

There were some extremely well matched games,  (one game being decided with just one tile difference!) .

The winners who will progress to the third round are as follows:

Toby P5/6

Bobbi – Lee P6/7

Lauren P5/6

The match between Patrycja P5/6 and Hannah P6/7 did not take place due to illness, however this will be rescheduled for later in the week.


Victorian Toys

Today as part of our Marvellous Monday activities P3 found out about toys children played with in Victorian times.  We listed similarities and differences between toys in the past and toys today.  We also discovered that there were several differences between the toys the rich Victorian children played with and those played with by the poor children at this time.

After having done this research we had time to try making some Victorian toys of our own.  We made ball and cup games and thaumatropes.  A thaumatrope is made by creating two separate images which when put together and twisted quickly appear to blend together to make one image! We had great fun creating these including a fish in a bowl and a bird in a cage.  You can see some of our finished work below:

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Second Stage of Bananagrams Challenge


This Tuesday will see the Stage Two competitive round for the Bananagrams challenge, and will see the following children pitting their wits  against each other:

Group One

Toby P5/6 versus Lauren P6/7

Group Two

Roxabella P4/5 versus Bobbi Lee P6/7

Group Three

Lauren P5/6 versus Leah P4/5

Group Four

Patrycja P5/6 versus Hannah P6/7


Good luck everyone!

Catholic Education Week

The Catholic Church in Scotland encourages schools, parishes and other agencies to work closely together in order to celebrate the successes of Catholic education particularly during one week each year.  The purpose of Catholic Education Week is to highlight the significance of education, not only for young people but for society as a whole.  Students, parents, teachers and others are asked to reflect on their own roles in the education process –  at home, in school, in the local parish and in other educational settings.

Celebrating our Learning

P4 have been very busy learning about the life and times for Robert Burns. We made posters to share what we have been learning about for the Nursery. We wrote our own ‘Tales of Tam O Shanter’ and shared them with P7 as they have been reading the poem in class. We are very proud of our work and enjoyed sharing what we have been learning with others in the school.


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We shared our posters with Nursery AM and PM.



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P7 were very impressed with Our Tam O Shanter Tales.

The Big Burns Carnival

On Sunday our P7 pupils participated in the Big Burns Carnival parade and they were FANTASTIC!!! Their hard work in rehearsals certainly paid off as they carried out their set pieces  ( and their more informal interactions) to the awaiting public.  Birds of Paradise was the theme for our school and the children looked fantastic with their faces painted and with their eye catching costumes on. It is great that they  participated in this community event which is broadcast all over the world. They did St. Andrew’s proud! Enjoy some of our pictures from the day.

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Nursery Burns Day

Burns day and whiteboard mark making 013 Burns day and whiteboard mark making 014 Burns day and whiteboard mark making 015 Burns day and whiteboard mark making 016 Burns day and whiteboard mark making 002

We made kilts using toy cars to make the lines in the tartan, dipping them in red and yellow paint. We also had haggis, neeps and tatties for snack on Monday 25th of January to celebrate Burns’ birthday. Miss Cullen’s Primary 4 class came in to show us homework that they did, to tell the children facts about Robert Burns. All children enjoyed seeing the older children in the school, some of them sharing the experience with their siblings.

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