Table Tennis for P7



Primary 7 had a super time at the Dumfries Table Tennis Club, playing some crazy, fun warm up games and learning some of the basic skills for holding the bat, taking different shots and playing in a round the table rally to see who could be the last man standing!  Thank you to Shannon Brown and Mrs Brown, experts in the field, for helping to organise the day for us.  There was a lot of enthusiasm for the sport and there are opportunities for anyone interested,  to join the Summer table tennis club that is running in the holidays. Please get in touch to find out more!


Queen of the South Visit

This morning we had a visit from the Queen of the South Elect and her key attendants as they get set for the Guid Nychburris celebrations this weekend.  The Cornet wanted to check we were all in good voice for Saturday so we had to shout very loudly.  As you will see from the photos there was also a horse race with a twist!

Several of our pupils did very well in the Guid Nychburris handwriting competition and the awards were presented to the children during this visit.

Our school attendant Lauren looked beautiful in her blue dress and we can’t wait to cheer her on Saturday (fingers crossed for some sun!)

St. Marcellin Champagnat Trophy

Our annual football match for the St. Marcellin Champagnat Trophy took place today against St. Teresa’s Primary. The game took place at Maryfield with the players in each side giving everything. With a selection of players from various classes, St. Andrew’s managed to retain the trophy convincingly by a score of 11-3, despite St. Teresa’s being able to field an older,  physically stronger team. Well done to all. The game was played in a super spirit, with Miss Blount, head teacher of St. Teresa’s handing over the trophy to the St. Andrew’s team captain, Tomas.

St. Andrew’s, winners of the St. Marcellin Champagnat Trophy 2018

Sports Day 2018

We were very lucky to have our Sports this morning in the lovely sunshine.  There were lots of spectators cheering us on.  It was a great morning with races including; running, skipping, sack race, egg and spoon, jack and jill, relay and long distance.  There was also a race for our nursery children and another for toddlers (no parents and teachers seemed keen to have a race though!).

The scoring was close but overall winners were our blue team – Congratulations St Catherine!

P2 Fruit Kebabs

Today Kendall from Tesco came in to visit us with lots of fruit for healthy snack. We have been learning about balanced diet and making good choices when it comes to the food we eat. With Miss Murray we have been looking at the Eat Well Plate and fruit is one of the main food groups. Today we made fruit kebabs using bananas, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, pear, Satsuma and grapes. We had great fun making them and enjoyed them for snack.

P7 Mass at Whithorn

On Thursday 31st May P7 travelled to Whithorn  accompanied by P7 children from St Teresa’s, St Joseph’s, St Columbas and St Ninian’s Catholic Primary schools for a very special pilgrimage and mass at St Ninian’s Cave, Whithorn.  The weather was perfect, thankfully not too hot to have to worry about sun burn, but nice enough for a paddle in the sea after mass.

The mass conducted by Father Jim and Father Gerald was very special.  Many of our pupils took part in the prayers and readings and the mass itself began just along from the car park and finished with communion at the cave.  It was really nice to have Father Jim accompanying us on the guitar and sharing some very special moments of prayer with us.

The final treat for everyone was a well-deserved stop at the café in Whithorn where the children were kindly treated to a hot filled roll and a can of juice.  A few people needed a good sleep on the bus on our journey home after all that fresh air and heat. All the boys and girls were a credit to themselves, I was very proud of their excellent behaviour and the way they conducted themselves.  We all had a lovely time together. Here are a few photos of the day!

“Howzat!!” P4 go cricket crazy!

What a busy time the P4 class have been having lately, amongst other activities they managed to squeeze in a two week cricket session with representatives from St Michael’s Cricket Club. The sessions were extremely well organised, and lots of fun with the children honing their hand/eye co-ordination skills as they improved their batting and fielding skills. The South African coaches were most impressed!  More photographs to follow!

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