St Joseph’s Science Fair Final

George, Tomas, Kevin, Archie, Maya, Francesca, Sam and Jason all competed with the S1 finalists at the final on Wednesday evening.  The judges were amazed by the displays and also by the science and engineering background to many of the projects on show.  The children were able to speak knowledgeably about variables and their final results.  We were thrilled after a long process of marking and discussion, to discover Sam and Jason had won the Science shield for 1st place and Maya and Francesca won 3rd place with their project ‘Go Nuts!’ Well done to all of our P7’s who got through to this stage your work was of a fantastic standard.  Bring on the challenge again in S1!

P4 Celebration of Learning

In February,  P4 invited their family and friends into their classroom, to give them an insight into what the children have been learning about so far this term.

The classroom was buzzing with enthusiastic voices proudly sharing their knowledge of : Multiplication strategies, Bonnie Prince Charlie’s escapades with his Jacobite followers, spelling activities, symmetry challenges, How to Write code on the computers, magnet facts at our science table, guided tours of our clay miniature Jacobite village, describing ourselves in French by playing Guess Who, looking at photographs of our Jacobite Jaunt, marvelling at our display of symmetrical targes, singing Jacobite songs and showing off Scottish dancing .. phew, I think we all went home for a rest!

Many parents commented on how impressed they were with the confidence the children showed, and that at each table the children’s knowledge was evident, as they described what they have been learning.

Excellent work P4, very proud 😀 Thanks also to Mme McGill for her help at the French table – Merci Beaucoup! 😀

More World Book Day Fun!

Our School and Nursery celebrated World Book Day yesterday with a super variety of activities.  The children came to school dressed as their favourite book characters.  We all gathered in the hall for a special parade to show each other our amazing character costumes.

The American students from Tennessee who have been working in our garden area this week thought the children looked fantastic!

All classes also paired up to do reading activities together with the older children helping read favourite books to our younger children.   It was a fun filled day as you can see from some of the photos below:


World Book Day 2019

P2 enjoyed world book day this year. We had a visit from P5 who came and shared their favourite books with us and helped us with our reading. We had a parade of costumes in the hall which was fun. We also had an afternoon looking at illustrations. We read The Cat in the Hat and had a go at trying some of our own illustrations in our Big Draw!

Gold School Sports Award

We were delighted to receive the Gold School Sports Award from Sports Scotland at a special assembly this week.  Our school was assessed on the quality of physical education and school sport, links to community sport, and opportunities for all children and young people to engage, participate and reach their potential in this area.  In particular we were praised  for our leadership programme and our celebration of success through the school blog and pupil achievement books.

The school received  a certificate and a flag.  The photo below appeared in the Dumfries and Galloway Standard and shows our sports committee members celebrating their success:

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