Adolphus Tips

Adolphus Tips is really good book because I couldn’t stop reading it! I would recommend reading it.

It is set in world war 2 time. It is a about a young girl who is called Lily, she lives in a farm in the seaside village of Slapton.

However one day when the villagers were asked to move out of their homes,her family had to move to their Uncle George’s house. His house was at the outskirts of the village,the hole village was fenced off because of the were using that for a training ground for some of the army.

Her family hated living in their Uncle George’s house.

By Lewis R


On the 3/4/14 we did a medieval night we showed our work like our shields, helmets and tabard.We had medieval food like rabbit on some bread. On display there was Robert the Bruce, William Wallace, Mary Queen of Scots and Bonnie Prince Charlie and they were medieval entertanment like juggling. Also we did a Battle charge it was fun.   

By Lewis R


On 26/3/14  p4-7 went to King George V to have a Cross-Country Race. I didn’t race because I fractured my wrist. Everybody did really good some people came 6th,8th and 9th John and Keira came 6th Braiden came 8th I enjoyed myself.

Cross Country Racing!

Today, the 26th  of March P4-7  had a … Cross Country Race!!! We left at quarter past 9 to go to King George V. The P4-7  did a  race first. But Keira was the only girl from our school so we were very proud of her. Well done Keira!!!! We really really enjoyed it. Most of us came back breathless. Too bad that Abigail and Lewis Reid could not participate. Charlie came 9th and I came 16th because there was a lot of boys racing and I also hurt my leg. I do not know if we will do it again but hopefully we can. Charlie thinks she has permanately damage her voice cheering for Keira.


By Charlie P6 and Lewis P6

Cross Country

Today P4-7 were at a cross country competition at King George the 5th .There was 5 schools there .P4-5 were doing 800 metres and p6-7 were doning 1500 metres. it was so hard.   We’re thinking about coming back next year. OH NO!

 by Scott and Axel


In maths Decartes have been using UK atlases. We have been traveling to all the famous castles in Scotland on the atlases, to see who took the shortest in Km and who got the least money. I got 950km and £115. This is the skills I used doing the task I can read a map, I can measure accurately in centimeters, I can use a scale to convert in to kilometers, I can add decimals.

                                                                                   By Lewis R

Spelling Letter To Spiderman

To spiderman

 I hear that you suffer from arachnophobia. I will advise going to the pharmicist to get tablets or if you have physical problems get physiotherapy. It might be a phobia. Its a phenomenon to speaking to you.      

                            By Lewis Reid ( The bold words are the spelling words)


Every Friday Kate comes and teaches us Ukulele and we have already learned 4 songs and she has only been twice my, favorite song is a Animal fair,wee can play all them on Ukulele.

School Dinners Weekly

Each Wedensday the health group will take pictures of their School dinners or packed lunch and we are going to see if they are healthy and if they are not we will work on what we eat at school. We will also do a review so we can se what is are favorite.

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