Hi it is Thomas here. today we are talking about a resapee for a veggie soup. We did the ingredients first we did Parsnip carrots leek patios stock cube onion
chopping board
wash your hans
get your knife and your chopping borde
peel your veggie/cut your veggie
put your stove on
put your onion in first and sauté them c
put the other veggie in after 
And put your stock cube after
And cook for 20 mints
lit it cool
Yesterday we made Rock cakes and I really Lice Them they were lovely I think they looked gust like rocks. And I really liked it
Hi is Thomas and run today we are toking about our learning we have bean doing we have bean doing maths in maths in maths we have bean doing 9 times table and we have bean doing sumdog. and we have bean doing splat and buzz and think that buzz is beater than splat and we have bean doing a sheet of times table and Now we are on to P.E we have bean doing tennis and is bean relay fun and in P.E we have bean learning skills like how to hit the ball and how to serve the ball and it was relay fun. and and we have bean doing Ram tam and that is the same as music and music is very fun. and we have bean doing Charlotte’s web won is a moves and there it is a book as well but I thence that that the book is beater we have bean righting about chariot’s web and it was fun . and we have bean doing Drama and Drama is very fun wen we do move. and we have bean doing Forces Forces means that wen you jumps the gravity putsch you down from the sky. now weer at righting.
Hi is Thomas today we are taking about my learning today we went swimming and it was fun and in swimming and we have bean going fore 5 days now and other stuff and we are into our groups in maths we wore doing our 7 times table and now I now my 7 times table and we played a game called splat and if you get the question right you get to splat a person and is a relay fun game and we played a similar game and we played a game called buzz and I think it is better than splat and because is relay good
byyyyyyyyyyyyy Thomas
Hi is Thomas hire today I am toking about my learning. at my learning is fun becos we do stuff and is fun stuff becos we do lots of stuff and is very fun and in our maths and I am on squares and is the furd hardest level and is nice to learning new maths and is very fun and we play dice/cards and I fink that cards are beater than dice but that is my opinion. On to my topic my topic is about the ocean and we hat to do a big sea and we ha to do a big pic of a 5 meter tiger shark and we had to cut it out and we had to get the colers from the scrap paper and we had to cut it out . Today we did the day’s and we had to do the day’s and we had to plan it out and we had to wight it in the 31 sechins and we had to wight the stuff in the sechins and it woes fun/very fun and that the end today by Thomas
Hi is Thomas hire today I am toking about my Football. In football is fun wen you are good at training and is fun wen you training is fun and in matches/mini matches and is fun wen you have fun wen you scour lots of goals. I have lots of people from my school ho cums to my football and is nice wen you have lots of friends at your football and is fun wen you have lots of talent wen you play football and the names of the people ho cum from my school ho cums to my football is liam and Tom BY Thomas
Hi Tom and Thomas here and we are talking about our learning first we are talking about maths, In maths Tom is doing budgeting and Thomas is doing budgeting as well as Tom but Tom is on a higher level/harder level and Tom’s level is much harder than Thomas’s level is much easier than Tom’s Tom is very smart and Thomas is very smart as well and this is the hardest maths assessment and is called at level two and Tom is on it and we have been learning about task’s and go Henry is the best fake credit card and is good for kids we are going to talk literacy now literacy, in literacy we are doing reading boxes and Tom’s book is the girl with the broken wing and we have only read one chapter and a girl lands on a attic window and wakes up two twins and they let her in because she shouted open up and help Thomas is reading the secret and in it someone gets unwell and there is a panic and in the book they are is someone playing basketball and someone is a brilliant defender and he beats the other team a lot. kiva in kiva we are doing anti-bullying and is very helpful and is very good for us not to bully in our school and it is really help’s us to understand and we understand not to bully now (and we didn’t do it before) we and not really one’s who were getting bullied and now we are talking about gala groups, in gala groups Tom and Thomas are in different gala groups Tom is doing a quiz but it is also a social deduction game we have got 5 different subjects such as video games television shows mixed and book Tom is with Sevi Rune and Thomas is doing a wild toy shop and he is with miller Daniel and Owen and Thomas wishes Tom was in his group and this is the end thank you for reading 141 words bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi is Thomas and rune. today we are toking about football and Boxing at football I do training and we do mini matches and we do fun stuff like passing and in the matches we mostly win the matches and the last win we played woes 2 to 1 and we like to do training and training is really fun and is fun wen we do fun stuff and is really fun wen we training and 3 people cum from my school to my football and now we toking about Boxing and ate boxing is fun wen we do punching the bean bag and is for fun and at boxing and is fun when you box a beanbag and wen we do boxing and is fun when we box and rune gowes to boxing and he sed that is very fun and Thomas is gowing to boxing and is probly fun wen you goaw to boxing and is fun wen you go to football and we do this at boxing we do boxing moves and is fun wen we do that and this is THE END and goodbye by Thomas and rune by by by by by by by by by by by by