
hello today I’m going to talking about my learning in P4/5. first. we do a speech in front of the class and we make it our self on power point or sway normally and this term we have to do it about someone you inspire or someone that inspire and I doing a speech about Cavan Johnston my Granddad and he is a farmer and when I go there I love farming there.



after school

hi its Daniel and Thomas here and after school I am going to Thomas’s house in the village and at Thomas’s house we are going to cuddle the guinea pig and one of Thomas’s guinea pigs are called potato and he is a scruffy textured guinea and we are gonna play football a t his house and Thomas is gonna take  me to football me and him go to football and for dinner were having hot dogs.



my holiday

hi Daniel here today i’m to be talking about were I went. firstly we went to turkey and it was really hot and we went to the Ela excellens hotel and the waiters were on roller blades they were really nice to 5 star from me.next we went to Rotherham for my great Granddads 99th birthday and we went to a fancy hotel it had a pool a gym and lots more. 3rd and lastly we went to Ireland. my granddad and granny  moved in Ireland and they use to live on a farm and they sold that farm to one of the workers but they moved not far at all to the farm and its a dairy farm and I love driving the skidsteer about and my favourite thing at the farm was milking the cows and it was really fun rounding the cows up!!!

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water slide day!!!

Hi its Daniel here today i’m going to be talking about water slide day coming up this Friday. On water slide day first in the morning they put out the giant tarp then they have to put soap down the slide and then you go down you can go down how many times you want then when you deside to stop there is a sponge war but if you don’t want to you can get changed and play. In the afternoon you watch a movie.




Gala Day


Gala Day was on Friday 7th of June. Holywood do it to for are school. My stall was the wild toy shop. We had to put forms through people’s letter boxes so people would know it was on so if they wanted to come. We got two tables out for are stall but we filled the two tables so we got a tarp out to put the rest on. At Gala we had to give people change if they paid to much like a real shop. I loved Gala Day and I love the stuff I won and bought. IT WAS SO FUN!!!



My football on Saturday

Hy its Daniel here today i’m going to talk about my football in the first game we played it was not the best and in the second to last game the defenders of the team studded Brody in the stumic  but against Graystone Brody scored this screamer top bins and against Annan I scored this goal from about 22 yard out  but we never finest on a high.



My Learning

HI! Daniel here today I’m going to talk about my learning. Yesterday the teacher gave us something in the ocean and we got trench and in my group was Owen, Thomas and Brody we had to research facts about  trenches so I researched about the Mariana trench and I got a lot of facts I think.

my Learning

Hy it’s Daniel here. On Fridays we do Gala groups now and i’m doing a toy shop the name of the toy shop is the wild toy shop. In my Gala group there is Thomas, Miller, Owen and me. In our Gala group we had send a message out to and we had to find a old wooding game but we had to sand it to and dry paint went every were. On Friday we are doing are gathering so we are going to be doing it about Kiva but we don’t no what are parts are yet. but I think my part is going to be really fun!!! We had to make something up to do with Kiva and I doing mine with Carlay, Miller and Grace and we are doing a rootean of bullying for people to see how bad it feels for the people getting bullhead.



My weekends

Hi its Daniel here I’m going to talk about my weekends. On Saturday my friends came round at 2.00pm for my birthday party what is a sleep over and Owen, Brody, Reece and Thomas came. In the Afternoon we went to a park to play and there were football goals there so we had a match in the rain and we all got socked hed to toe and before that we got a pic and mix from Tesco. At night we had a movie with popcorn and we watched goose bumps and it wasn’t that scary. At night it was a nightmare because everyone keep’t talking and laughing all night. The next day we went down stairs and watched Chuffsters and he plays FIFA then I told my dad to start making pancakes. Reece got me a £15 gift card for Nintendo, Owen bought me a Liverpool ball, Brody bought me a euros figer and Thomas bought me a black edge Mbapp’e

My learning

hi its Daniel here today i’m going to talk about my learning. On big Thursday we are doing the cup song in music. And in maths today we had to make a holiday with £500 hundred pound so me and Claudia so we went to Ireland on the ferry from carerying to Belfast and then we bot a tent to sleep in over night and for food we bot two meaduim pizzas from dominoes and we had to buy petrol to. On Tuesdays we are doing kiva anti bullying and last week we played a game called the not were you had to not every person except for two people and they would try to un not us. In p.e we are doing hockey and I youst to play for a hockey club so I have a experience at playing hockey and I have a hockey stick that I want to bring in to school to show everybody. Today we done french in the reading hub and we were doing the months and days but we moved up to the alphabet and it is hard and we are going to be doing that for lots of weeks. And are new topic is electricity. so we made these lights turn on and of using electricity.

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