Number One Berry Picker

Hello, this is Tanith.

I have been doing a lot of maths this week from my school work sheets. Mummy thinks I am doing really well as I am getting more right.  I am doing a book and I am working with Caspian on it. I have been reading books to write my own book and it has magical animals in it. The cat is called Rose and she has a magic cat box which can travel in time like the police box in Doctor Who. You just have to crawl in like a cat and inside it is a spaceship. It has guest rooms and lots of things that cats like to use. You can go anywhere you want to go if you press the magic button.

I helped make some more bramble jelly and rosehip jelly and delivered some pots in the village to our friends but we didn’t go near anybody. We also made some blackberry and apple flapjack and we took some to our friend Ruth.  Mummy says I am the best berry picker because I nearly filled the bucket with all the berries I picked.

I have also been practicing my joined up writing. Mummy always helps me with my spellings.

Lots of love from Tanith xxx

Storyboard of Plop the Owl


I have been very busy this week. I have read my book The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark and completed my chapter storyboard. I have also been watching Scooby Doo in French with English subtitles to help me recognise some words. Scooby is the same in French and English. I have written all my letters and we are posting them in the school letter box today.  am also bringing my storyboard to the school post box. I am going to do a describing diagram this afternoon and help mummy make onion marmalade too.

Byeee love from Tanith xxx

Plop, The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark

Since Friday we have been foraging for berries and rose hips for our jam and jelly making. An old lady who is my friend in the village has an apple tree and a beautiful garden. She gave me some apples from her tree and also gave me some tomatoes today because I took her some of our bramble jam and our rose hip jelly. We also made some granny loaves to go with the jam and a berry crumble so we did not waste any of our ingredients. I made two of the labels for the rose hip jelly, in the middle is Caspian’s label. Mine say happy jelly and star jelly.

Today I started reading about Plop who is a baby owl and he is afraid of the dark. I read up to page 43. I had fun because it is a really nice book. Plop lives with his mummy and daddy and I think that is really cute.

Two of my cats had to be collected by the vet lady today and are having operations tomorrow. I am missing them a lot.

I wrote to three of my friends today, they were Owen, Annelise and Mena. I am writing more tomorrow.

Be happy, have fun and smile every day.

Lots of love from Tanith xxx


Animal Teeth Day and Flower Earth


I couldn’t do my blog yesterday so this one is a long one.

I learned about animal teeth yesterday and wrote down some facts.

Crocodiles have a special kind of bird which cleans their teeth.

Titan fish have very strong teeth.

Snails have a lot of very little teeth.

Everyone has to brush their teeth to stop them rotting.

You should clean your teeth for at least two minutes. Caspian doesn’t do this but I do.

Snails grind their food.

Blue whales don’t have any teeth.

I practiced my joined up writing again as I wrote a page from one of my train story books. I also did a lot of reading as mummy says it will help me spell.

Today I drew a message for my Wolfox clan.

It says today is a sunny day so we can go fishing and wash in the water. Next we will collect hedgeberries on our tree bark tray. Then we will hunt a deer and go home to cook all our food. When we have had a warm by the fire we can go to bed on our wool beds.

We also went on a nature walk today to collect some things for our nature art. I hope you like my picture. My picture is flower earth and it smells very nice because of the lavender I found on the edge of one of the fields.  I think it is magical becomes sometimes flowers are like fairies and it makes me feel in my imagination that I am a flower living in a fairy world and everyone is friends. All the flowers around us are alive and help us be happy. I hope you like it and think it is magical too.

I am going to make some chocolate smartie cookies with mummy now and maybe some gingerbread men as she got me some special things to make them with.

Byeee love from Tanith xxx

Thomas and Emily


I did some work about foraging in the woods today. I pretended to be a person from the Mesolithic and thought about all the things I could find to eat or use. I also drew a picture of all the things I could use like moss, bark, hedgeberries, elderberries, crab apples, toadstools, acorns and leaves.

I also did my maths. The 11xtable is tricky. I read my Thomas book about Emily to mummy and practiced sounded out some hard words. I answered some questions about the story and to practice my curly writing I wrote out a page from my book. Mummy thought Caspian had written it because it was very neat.

Byeee, see you soon. xxx

The Twelve Apostles


We went to the stone circle today as it was dry and sunny.  It is only a 5 minute walk from our house. The stones are very old and very special. They have been worn down by the weather so arent as big as they once were. There is lots of nature growing on them and a spider was hiding on one of them. He was the same colour as the stone so birds couldn’t see him and eat him. The stones have quartz in them.

Love from Tanith xxx 🕷

I have drawn my clan language and my shield today. We are the Wolfox clan because we love wolves and foxes. I watched a programme about the mesolithic and the man said red deer lived near the people so the people hunted them for food and skin.

 Love from Tanith xxx 🐺🦊



Hi everyone,

I didn’t publish my post about seed pods yesterday by accident. Mummy saw it was still a draft.

Today I have been working on my maths and spellings. I am now working on numbers in thousands. I am also learning more than and less than signs.

When I practice my spellings I now try and write joined up. For all of my spellings I write them out a lot then put each of them into a sentence to check I know what they mean.

I am now making a language with different symbols for our Wolfox clan.

Love from Tanith xxx


Seed Pods

Hello again,

I have been studying meadow plants and how they grow every year. When the flowers turn to seed it is so the seeds can be sent elsewhere and the plant grows somewhere new.

Five plants that disperse their seeds are

1. Indian balsam

2. Dandelions

3. Sunflowers

4. Poppies

5. Thistles

Indian balsam is a plant that grows and dies in the same year.

It grows between 1 and 2 metres high.

It has pink flowers.

It grows on river banks.

It comes from the Himalayas.

Little seed pods grow where the flower once was and these hold all the seeds. When the pod is disturbed, it pops and all the seeds fly out and settle somewhere to grow a new plant next year. The wind can sometimes blow the pods apart but you can also gently squeeze them and they pop! I saved some seeds and the broken pod to show you in my picture.

A Find On Our Walk

Hi everybody,

I did some archaeology with mummy and Caspian today because my brother found a piece of broken pottery on our walk on Saturday. The pottery is very special and fragile and it has a bumpy decoration on it. It is an old piece. It was found at the little river. It could be from an ancient cup. I drew around it to get its proper size and coloured it in. Also on our walk, we found lots of different plants which get rid of their seeds in different ways. I will tell you all about one of them in tomorrow’s blog as it is part of my nature lesson.

Byee, love from Tanith xx

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