Hi, it’s a late update from Caspian.
This is a stop motion I have been working on the last few days. It is of the Teen Titan superhero known as Beast Boy transforming into a wolf, a gorilla and a shrew.
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Hi, it’s a late update from Caspian.
This is a stop motion I have been working on the last few days. It is of the Teen Titan superhero known as Beast Boy transforming into a wolf, a gorilla and a shrew.
Today I attempted coding on Scratch but it glitched out so I only managed to create a juming rainbow cat. I illustrated some of the pictures for my next stop motion. I went to Miss Brockie-Donald’s link on Tig Tag to further research food chains but that glitched out too so I found a programme elsewhere. I did some work on alliteration, and my usual maths.
Bye for now, see you tomorrow. 🐺
Hi, Caspian is back!
Today I learnt about acrostic poems, of which I wrote four.
I also learnt about the science of food. I think mum will try anything to encourage me to eat vegetables-not going to happen!! 😂🤣🥕🍒
We went on a nature trail where I collected interesting pieces for my collage.
I finished my work in good time today and did well in my maths questions. I have my usual lessons tomorrow but am looking forward to my ongoing history project.
Caspian is back,
Talking about the title, at the end of classes today, I had the living world. Mum asked me to draw a food chain. I got it mixed up with chain of fast food restaurants and I drew McDonald’s! When I realised my mistake, I decided to draw a real food chain incorporating my brand, a wolf.
Uhh, why do these holidays take so long? Here in the Bungalow, half of it was like watching paint dry!🥱 Oh, right. Caspian’s back! All the exciting stuff that happened in the holidays will be listed here:
I did around 15 stop motions, did 648 laps around the church on my bike(thats right, I kept a bar chart), I helped my Mum bake cakes, and thats pretty much it. Anyway today I came up with an idea to turn me into an author! It won’t be out for a while though. Also its back to school.
See ya tommorow!
We had Kindness Day instead of normal lessons. I wrote letters to some of my friends, including a close family friend in Cumbria. I did nice things for my sister Tanith. I gave mum lots of hugs for being the best mum in the world. I designed and made a poster encouraging people to be happy and positive. All our pictures done in home schooling are up in our home windows.
I helped mum by grating oranges for the orange cake she made us. Our neighbours left some Easter eggs and After Eight mints (ive eaten rather a lot but my Minecraft wolf is guarding what’s left!) at our door to say thank you for all the baking we have done for them.
Today I got all the vehicles in my Xbox Lego game. There are 120 vehicles in total. There are 10 helicoptors. There are 110 ground vehicles, like the roller and relocator, there are also 305 skins, of which I have 265, like the punk rocker, zombie and magician. Rory knows all about this game too!
Soon we are going for a walk in the country side so we all get some exercise. Mum can’t have physio due to lockdown so we need to go out to help her get movement in her leg every day.
Bye for now 🐺
Today I did some stop motion, like I do every Thursday. This one is about a wolf who guards his treasure, a bone, within a treasure chest while he sleeps. But an evil man (Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who) comes and steals the bone. Enjoy, and sorry, you won’t be able to eat a whole packet of Mini Cheddars as it isn’t very long!!
In history, we are watching a programme called How We Used To Live 1936 – 1953. We made notes while we watched the programme then I researched some interesting facts about 6th May 1937, the Hindenburg Disaster.
Mum made us cheese scones. I don’t like cheese scones though.
I have recently noticed, Mum has a groovy Chewbacca pencil case. I am definitely, totally, completely not going to steal it. Snigger!
I am coping better with percentages, I am also starting to use pie charts.
See you tomorrow, Caspian.
Okay, just to clarify, I like alliterations. The adjective is alliteration, NOT an adjective about my day! Today is was odd, this morning was maths, spelling and reading, but in the afternoon, nature and Spanish, I felt a bit off. I think it was because Tanith kept poking me in my leg with her pencil. 😡 In nature, we were researching garden birds with the link Miss Brockie-Donald gave us. In Spanish, we counted up to 20, drew the Spanish flag and researched the flamenco – you will not find me in one of those frilly dresses!! 💃
Bye from Caspian
Back for another chat; it’s Caspian!
Today we had music and listened to Alexander Borodin’s Prince Igor and the Polotsvian Dancers. The music was based on a tribal dance. It also had my name in the opera lyrics! 🙂
In reading, it took a while because I was working in a 6035 page dictionary, looking up tricky and interesting words. We also did some bird watching by putting bread in the garden and using five bar gates to help us record numbers and species. I saw 28 sparrows!
Today, I got Maths, spelling and reading done quite quickly. I also managed half an hour on SumDog doing some maths training. In reading, I got into a new book which is Three Hills by Mark Montgomery (my stepdad). In the afternoon, we made some treasure maps; I based mine on Holywood Church. I made the map by ripping the paper to make it look old, then drawing the design in pencil, then I went over my design in pen, and finally I covered it with coffee bag juice. I hung it on the washing line to let it dry. We also got a lesson on how to ice chocolate buns. That’s all from me today, see ya tomorrow!!