VE Day

On May 7th 1945, Churchill made an announcement that caused 2 days of celebration in London and across Great Britain. He said, ‘Hostilities will end 1 minute after midnight on Tuesday 8th May 1945.’

This is what I wrote in my history lesson today.

Bye from Caspian.

An Apple a Day

Hi, Caspian is back!

Today my first lesson was science – I had to find out what happens to our bodies if we don’t include fruit and vegetables in our daily diet. Usually I only eat meat even though Mum is always begging me to eat fruit and vegetables.  I watched a documentary on Life Noggin about nutrition and I found out that if you don’t eat fruit and veg, you will start vomiting a lot , grow a lot of wrinkles and age super quickly. I paused the video and quickly got an apple as I was freaked out by the side effects of not eating properly. Mum is very relieved as she has been trying to get me to eat properly for a very long time. (I still don’t like carrots though!) I wrote down the side effects then got carried away and watched loads more Life Noggin documentaries after I finished off the rest of my work.

Mum made the most delicious tea. We had roast pork with all the trimmings.

Goodbye, see you tomorrow!

Jam and Cream

Hi it’s Caspian here.

Today, I had maths, literacy, reading and art. I’ve moved on to a new book – Beast Quest, Vipiria by Adam Blade. It’s a quick fantasy read, fast paced and lots of action. I had some follow up questions to help me construct my sentences and tidy my handwriting presentation.

  • A late birthday present came in the post, mum ordered it but it didn’t come in time for 29th. She knows I loves wolves so she got me a sort of elemental wolf pendant.

I was tasked with writing ten things I’m grateful for and this was not difficult to come up with the ten. Because we are staying away from anyone outside our family for at least three months due to mum’s health, we spend a lot of time talking about what is really important to us.

In art, I drew some cool pictures of the Team Titan characters to stick on my new exercise book. Mum is going to cover them in clear covering to protect them.

We had homebaked fruit scones for tea with jam and cream. 😋

Bye for now! 🐺


Hi, Caspian is back with another blog!

Today, I discovered some pretty cool words in my dictionary review. During maths, I worked on fractions and coordinates; I did really well when mum marked it. Tanith and I worked on our Spanish together, we watched a language film and identified words relating to things around the home. I moved on to Spanish geography and worked with an atlas of the area to find out the capital city, the bordering countries and the rivers. In literacy, I continued story boarding and writing my first cranimals story. We also enjoyed walking half a mile for exercise although I rode my bike most of the time.

See you tomorrow!


Bomb Shelters

Hi, Cas is back!

Today was mainly maths and spelling. The only non-daily lesson was history. In it we watched How We Used To Live episode 4 series 1 Hospital Case. I was asked to research a main thing in the episode. I chose Anderson and Morrison shelters. I will write my findings here:

The Anderson shelter was designed in 1938 and could fit 6 people in it. They measured 1.4 metres wide, 2 metres long and 1.4 metres tall. They were £7. It was named after Sir John Anderson, who prepared Britain for the air raids. The shelter goes in the garden.

The Morrison shelter was £7 as well went inside the house. It could not survive a direct bomb hit but could help with affects. It was designed to be slept in and used as a table

See ya tomorrow!

Cranimals 🐺

Hi, Caspian is back!

My title refers to the series of books I am writing based on animal hybrids. I spoke about this not too long back and I decided to reveal my illustrations to you today.

Today I found out about the life cycle of a butterfly. From my research, I watched a film about butterflies with David Attenborough.

For my lesson on health, I created an exercise routine for the family to do every week. I am not posting the video though as I’m too embarrassed!

I had a lesson on cleanliness in the home. An excuse by my mum to get me to tidy my chest of drawers! I also helped make fish pie-i made the parsley sauce.

Bye 🐺

PS I don’t know why my picture won’t rotate. Mum and I have looked all over for the rotate button but cannot find it anywhere on the menu. Sorry.




It’s My B-day Y’all! 🐺

Caspian is back! Today is my birthday! I got an awesome Xbox game from my parents, Lego DC Super Villains. I’ve not had any school today so I could check out my new game. I got some dark chocolate mint bar and After Eights. my chocolate cake was so rich and extravagant, I need to ration myself! I got some Doctor Who books based on fairy tales, for example The Emperor Dalek’s New Clothes 🤣🤣🤣

Bye for now see ya tomorrow.


Bike Box Championship 🐺

Caspian is back from a packed day experimenting with flying bears and empty boxes. The flying bear experiment was where I made a jet pack (empty bottles) and went to a high spot then tried a few times to gauge length of flight. Once I threw it on the roof and it was just luck it flew back down! My other experiment was seeing how many boxes the bike could knock down in one go. I knocked all of them down. It was great fun. Mark created a treasure hunt for Tanith and I while Mum made my cake.  Mark and I also helped Tanith more with riding her bike, she is still struggling to balance. I will see you again tomorrow. 🐺

Bee Barf🐺🐝

Caspian is back from an exhausting bike ride.😒

Today Tanith has been boasting about my birthday on Wednesday.


I need a break from that. Sheesh.😵

Anyway, yesterday Mum made some chocolate shortbread and ginger biscuits. Mmm!

When I was doing math, I got my first ounces treat. It did not go down well.

Today we learnt about bees, did you know honey is basically bee barf?

Thats all I have time for today so bye!🐺

Ferocious Friday

Caspian is back! Today I have been doing some scene setting; I chose a certain place which I know very well and described what I can see, hear, smell, taste and feel when I think about this place. Then I wrote a short story incorporating some of my thoughts.

Today. Was. The. Weirdest. Day. EVER! I started my day off as usual, going to the arcade, eating hotdogs and all that stuff. Until an old wizard told me about the heekshaw.  He told me to get it out of an arcade machine and bring it to him, but just then an arcade machine buzzed and blew up! It knocked over an ice cream cart. The heekshaw looked like a demon. It ran towards the holiday park; I followed it there. When I got there, I had a plan. I got a spell from the wizard, drank it, and grew muscles. I picked up a holiday home and chucked it at the heekshaw, then picked up the heekshaw and doused its flames in the swimming pool.

I learnt some stuff about the war years, watched a wartime commercial, learnt about animal groups, watched a documentary on rattle snakes, and completed my daily maths.

Have a great weekend

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