

Good morning, afternoon, night or evening depending on the time you are viewing this. Today I’m going to tell you about my learning. Again.

Maths: For maths we are still doing fractions. I finished a sheet where we had to convert top-heavy fractions to numbers and vice versa.

Literacy: In literacy we are making a narrative for a short film called Alien Attack?. Basically this Shrek-looking alien dies trying to capture a cactus.

P.E: We are doing cross-country in P.E. I hate it, we have to run around the playground 6 times.

WW2: I finished my plane and am going to work on my gas mask next.

The Devil’s Porridge

HELLO! Today P6/7 went to the Devil’s Porridge (a World War 1 and 2 museum). We checked out WW1 on the bottom floor, where we saw equipment used in the trenches, the height of the trenches, an multiple interactive screens that sometimes had games or recorded audio from WW1. We also saw how the “Devil’s Porridge” was made (The Devil’s Porridge is a substance that was said to look like porridge, and it was used to kill people, therefore earning the nickname, Devil’s Porridge. .Every time that we had to move on to another activity, an authentic Air Raid Siren would sound. We then watched some films made by Eastbriggs Primary and Secondary schools. We then did 3 activities, where we looked at a WW2 kitchen, evacuee facts and clothes, and the bombing on Gretna, in which 28 people lost their lives. We were then allowed free time to explore the Second Floor after eating our lunch. Continuing on, we checked out an Anderson shelter, which could fit all of us. Then we were allowed to spend £5 in the gift shop, Caspian got a pencil and a planecil sharpener (plane pencil sharpener) and Noah got one too, along with a badge.

By Caspian and Noah 😀

Ration Challenge!


The other day we made food using rations from WW2. I was in a group with Daniel, Kohdie and Airen. We made a sort of soup, I guess you could call it. The picture below is what happens when some amateurs try making soup out of tomatoes, potatoes, mincemeat, and onions.

JAANE! -Caspian

WW2 Plane Models (also learning)

KONNCHIWA! Caspian here.

Today I am going to tell you about my learning, something fun I’m doing, and a top secret project! That I will tell you about.

Maths: In maths we are still doing fractions. I’m doing pretty good.

Duolingo: In Japanese, I found out how to add Dakuon, which are little symbols that look like this: “. I have added them onto the Hiragana that start with k, and it turns the k into a g!

WW2: In this topic I have almost finished my preparation tasks, (I just have the gas masks, air raid shelter, and blackout leaflet to finish) and the ration challenge is coming up soon. Also, we are making PLANES! Model planes, of course, but PLANES NONETHELESS! I’m making a Messerschmidt, and some other people are making spitfires. (If I had the choice I would have made a Kamikaze plane.)

Business Groups: In this, me and Kohdie are making an Attack on Titan spin-off for world book day.


The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas

Hello. This is Caspian. Today I will tell you about a book I have been reading called The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. It is about a nine year old boy named Bruno. He had to move from his home city, Berlin, for his father’s job into the countryside. He hates it there and wishes he could go back to Berlin, where all his friends are. Outside his bedroom window, he can see a fence, which has soldiers, people, and train tracks behind. The soldiers mistreat the people inside the fence.

What I’m getting from this story is that he is living next to a concentration camp and his father runs it. It is a story filled with mystery, and it doesn’t fully explain everything when it happens, which I find one of the books best factors.


Karate (からて)

Hello. Caspian here.

Last night karate started after school and a few people (about 22) tried it out. I enjoyed it, but I needed to work more on my kicks, and the speed of my punches. I didn’t do too well when someone folded their arms, or put their hands in their pockets, (an action worthy of punishment) and we had to do push-ups. Apparently I became an orange. Huh. My kicks weren’t very high, but I still had a good level of power in them.



Hello! Caspian here. Again. 🙂

I’m going to speak about my learning again. PLEASE ENJOY IT!


Maths: In maths we have Mrs McNay now because Miss Stapleton had a baby named Luke. We are doing fractions. I’m making a poster.

Japanese: In Japanese on Duolingo, I have to learn some Hiragana (One of the writing systems) in order to pass on. I recently learnt these ones: ん か ち き し (n, ka, chi, ki, and shi).

WW2: In out WW2 projetcs, we are making posters about Adolf Hitler. I’m in a group with Kohdie.

Thanks for reading!

Lion King Jr

Hello. Recently we finished of performances of Lion King Jr. I was told to upload pictures and provide some information about the performance. I played one of the side characters, that kind of wasn’t a side character to the extent of not having a name or lines, but still wasn’t one of the main characters that was in most scenes. I was Zazu by the way.  I found learning my lines… relatively easy. There weren’t too many, and they were quite simple. My costume was itchy most of the time but other than that it was okay. Standing out in front of the audience though was… Less overwhelming than I thought.

Anyway, here are some pictures of people in costumes because I ran out of things to write about.

These consist of: Zazu, Mufasa, Giraffes, Scar, Timon, Pumbaa, and the whole school.


Hello. This is Caspian.

In maths, we have been doing work on 3d shapes. We are doing a 3d/2d shape quiz, as well as making nets of 3d shapes.

In spelling, I have been continuing with my Japanese lessons on Duolingo. I’m currently learning how to order food, and write.

In personal project, I am making a comic book about 5 African animals. So far I have completed the Leopard Chapter.

We are also learning 5 songs for The Lion King. The ones we are learning are: Circle of Life, Just Can’t Wait To Be King, Be Prepared, Hakuna Matata and Can You Feel The Love Tonight.


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