Easter Holidays

My name is Amber. I went to Dalscone with Talia and Alexi. We looked at all the animals. There were baby turtles we got to pet and baby chicks we got to play with. We saw a lizard  we got to see  a baby lamb be born.


Hi I am Curtis. In the holidays i got easter eggs , made up a language and played baldis basics plus for the first time


easter egg hunt

so in my house i did a easter egg hunt and it was with my little sister and my gran and my gran hided the easter eggs and me and my little sister went looking for them and then after we found them it was my turn to hide them and then my little sister and my gran went looking for them and then they found them and then my little sister hided them and my mom helped my little sister to hide them me and gran went looking for them after everyone hided them me and my little sister eat some but not all of them because then we would be sick


my made up language

how to count in it

one is oen , two is tow , three is teerh , four is fruo , five is fevi , six is sxi , seven is sneve , eight is ethgi , nine is neni , ten is tne

zero is zore

first time playing baldis basics plus

my  dad went on my computer and downloaded baldis basics , i waited for it to download and after it downloaded i started playing it , i put my naame on the clipboard and clicked on it , i pressed play and then hide and seek mode and then i was in the elevator but the game calls it an elevate instead of an elevator , i got out and ran away while baldi was counting , i got my  first notebook and baldi was chasing me with his ruler , my dad went upstairs to get a shower and io was wearing headphones and it was so exiting but the part that is annoying is baldi getting you or starting over the whole game if baldi got you three times


Hi amber and carlay speecking Spanish food; we had ham ,Churros ,paella and Jamon Carlay loved churros and hate paella amber liked the Churros and hated the paella.

colours; red is rojo blue azle yellow is ararillo white is blanco black is negro brown is cafe pink is rose grey is gris orange is Anaranjado green is verde purple is morado


all about lerni

I lic to play Go fith and we play around the world  lots  of gams  like cards  and dice gams to get beter at times  sum tams



bye Amber and Alexi

all about my big Thursday

Hi Carlay and Amber speaking

conputer since we were we made little charecters. and we coloured them in .

outdoor learning we were making tree houses

art we were doing pichers out of coloured paper/colashe.

All about my Christmas holidays

  1.  I went to my friends home for tow days but it took two hours and 3 minutes  to git  there and it took us the same time to git back then the other day we went to a park cold Dino park i  played  there for 1 hour and then i went to the shop and bought some stuff. Before I had a cosy sleep, I watched something on my tablet.


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