Hey everyone!
Today I am going to talk about this game we played in class called kahoot!
It is super fun you will LOVE it!!!!!!!!!
So its a quiz game where we can play and make quizzes!
On Monday miss mcnay introduced it to all of us!!
We played quizzes about:
Paper airplanes Horses and Dogs!
You can also make a quiz to do that go to https://kahoot.com/
To play quizzes enter the game pin into https://kahoot.it/
Everyone in the the class loves kahoot and we are going to be using it in IDL a lot now!
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog!!
Hello Everyone!! ♥♦♥
Sevi here today i am talking about the photography subject in the P6-7 class! I took this “astonishing” picture. but i think its not the BEST.

I think i will let YOU be the judge of that.
Its a picture of my classmate doing a serious face
So I took the picture and all the teachers went CRAZY they all LOVED it but I don’t see anything special about it.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Sports day!
Hello Mabel, here! today i am talking about sports day! i liked the eg and spoon race. I also liked the flat race. i came 3rd in the running race.
Sam And Sevis Guide to staying safe on the internet
hello sam and sevi here is a PowerPoint on how to stay safe online
Staying safe online by sev and sam
note; the PowerPoint may be hard to access on a device like an iPhone or iPad
stay safe!!!!!!!!
GARDEN GAAAANGGG!!!! hello human beings #6
Hello Today i am going to tell you about a company that I am in called the garden gang we sell plant pots and wildflower seeds!
If you want to buy one then you can get an order form!
we sell 3 designs of plant pots that are designed by pupils!! (including me!)
we have….
Colourful Day
Bees Knees
Flower Power
We Do NOT Sell Personal/Custom Designs 

Here is a picture of all the designs
I bet you know which ones are which
so yeah….
thanks for reading BYE HUMAN BEINGS!!!!!!!!!
Shoenique!!!! (how to make a shoe) Hello Human Beings #5
today I will be showing you how to paint a shoe by yourself next time I make a blog I will be telling you how to paint a shoe
Step 1: Buy a pair of blank shoes
you cant paint on a pair of shoes with things on them it would be hard to sketch and paint on them
Step 2: Sketch Your ideas in a notebook
You need to sketch your design before you paint them it is a good idea so you know what to paint!!!! Top Tip: Draw Multiple Ideas And pick your favourite
Step 3: Draw Your design onto the shoes with a pencil
You need to draw it on the shoes you can colour it in
Step 4: Colour it in with fabric pens!
so people can see your shoes Top Tip: use bright colours so people can see them clearly (and yourself lol)
Use paint for big areas
use bright colours so people can see them clearly (and yourself lol)
When planning your idea draw multiple ideas then pick your favourite
keep your eye on the next blog I do
by the way I like shoenique
Garden Gang (enterprise) by the way I like among us
Today I am going to blog about ENTERPISE!
enterprise is like starting a business and making MONEY!!!! and spending it
our company is called the GARDEN GANG
we sell plant pots and seed bombs
they are 3 plant pot designs
they are called:
colourful day
bees knees
flower power
we also sell wildflower seed bombs!
so please

IF YOU DONT THEN I WILL CRY waa buy them quickly waaaaaaaa
I painted the colourful day plant pot
and renember but garden gang products or else…..
shoeniqe returns!
Hello its sevi here today I am gonna be talking about miss nyondos new club called shoenique well its not new it has been around for a term but it has started up again!!!!! I am doing a t-shirt on stuff I like the t-shirt is easier because instead of drawing you use paint for small areas you use pen
if you are a pupil and you are reading this then.
or else..
thanks for reading have a great day!
I like pringles
The Big Dog Lauren Child Festival
For my Easter holidays i went to go and see Lauren child in the big dog book festival she was talking about here new Clarence bean book called smile you should read it because it has a lot of stuff about being Eco friendly!
in the book Clarence Bean studies smiles and all the types of smiles (:
the book is also a lot about daydreaming and at the end of the event she signed one of my Lauren child books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant wait to go to the next years big dog festival
by sevi