Here is a video of my riding and we were jumping that time but we don’t do jumping all the time

My Holiday! (that is coming)

So today l am going to tell you about my holiday which is in 6 days we leave on Monday and we are going for 2weeks. We are going to Egypt and l have been before l have been twice and l am going to the same bit as last time. this week has been very stressful from packing and getting things ready. l have already got my traveling  outfit. We are leaving between 8 or 9 in the morning and we are going to have breakfast somewhere before we go to the airport and we are flying from Edinburgh and we are going with tui. l am really exited especially because its gonna be lily’s first time going to a hot country and her first time going on a plane. And at school l am missing lets get sporty, week n the woods, camp over and the Wallace hall transition days. So yea l am very exited and happy that it is soon. Bye

My weekend

My weekend, so on Friday l went to the woodlands with my friend Eilidh to watch the horses and l seen a few people l knew and l said hi. Then on Saturday it was actually really warm so l was in the garden all day but then soon later l got ready for riding when l got to riding l had to wait till the others were finished when they got back l went to get angus ready and then took him to the arena and got on and then walked him around the arena and then since it was way to warm to work the horses we took them on a hack and angus enjoyed it and so did l. When we got back l hopped off then took him to his stable and took his saddle off l then put his saddle away and then took him to his field when he was in his field l took his bridal off and then walked back and put it away and that was Saturday. Sunday on Sunday l went to a different riding school l go to lochhill and when l got there l was riding bonnie l tacked up hopped on then ridden her to the arena when we were in the arena l warmed her up then we moved on to canter in my canter sometimes l tense to lean forward and l don’t know l am doing it but l was leaning forward and bonnie slammed on her breaks and l fell of l went over her neck and winded myself but l got back on and then we did some jumping after we did jumping l untacked and then went up to go see Tina (Tina is at the same stable as bonnie) when l seen Tina l had polo mints for her and she loved them. After that we left to Tarff valley to get me knew boots and that was my weekend l had lots of fun falling off and getting back on again hope you enjoyed my blog bye!


Hello i am Gabriella and i will be talking about electricity i am very enjoying this topic because it is so fun joining the circus. Yesterday we got into partners l was with Abigail and we were making different types of circuits simple, series and parallel me and Abigail also added three light bulbs and we found out that on the series one the lights go light and then they get duller and duller. Electricity is pretty interesting and l like learning about it. Anyway that is it for now bye!      


Hi so today l am going to be telling you about our learning

to start of in maths we have been doing money and budgeting its really fun and we get to plan a holiday for 2 adults and l have chosen for them to fly with tui. And the their going to Egypt in June and ye.

Today we have been finishing our wee books for the wall and mine is about writing l have put some cursive, Wednesday writing, dance mat typing.

We have also been doing Spanish activities and we did ours on a scavenger hunt type thing and its really fun.

This inst really about our learning but l have improved my ridding at jenny mill and now l can walk, trot, canter and jump and l am not on lead rein.

That is it from me BYEEEEE!

Our learning!!!!!!!

On Friday l am doing a solo speech and l and pretty nervous but exited l keep telling my self when l have done it its over and done with so yea. My speech is all about horses and facts about them and yea. Anyway we have been doing a topic on religions and me and my partner Mckenna did Hinduism and we made a pour point about all the facts we got. Then people that were doing different religions got together and talked about who”s  pour point we are doing. We did Nancy s and  Nias pour point and we also did  Menas and Sams poster and with that we did Abigails and Azaris stop motion animation and we also had to to a speech about it to the whole school and it was pretty fun not gonna lie. On the weekend l went ridding again and we were practising jumping on the horses cores l was on Angus again and we got to choose if we wanted to canter round the jump of canter and jump it and l choose to canter and jump it l did amazing and did the jump but at the end l did loose my balance and l fell of but l was fine and didn’t get hurt  and l got back on and did the activity again and never fell off so tea it was really fun and l also love cantering on a horse! And l also just had an amazing weekend and this weekend l am going up to see my dads friends horse honesty and l might even get to ride her depends what mood she is in. By the way she is an x race horse and she is Georges.

Right that is it from me BYE!!!! hope you enjoyed this blog

Big woodland break!

On Friday we went up the woodlands and it was really cold and frosty. When we got up the woods everyone went to the big puddles and went to see if they were like ice. And it was it was like a mini ice bowl. And basically the whole school was there on the ice and it was really fun.  Then some people went a walk down the path and found more puddles and they found one bit long one. Then the were doing whole can slide the farthest  kye got the farthest until McKenna beat his score. And it was that cold out side the ice stayed ice cold for a whole week but the ice at school started melting but luckily the ice in the woods didn’t melt. And it was just really fun up the woods we were going to go to the end of the woods to the big massive puddle but we found the big long puddle so yea. But l didn’t go on the big puddle because  l had my bottle and l didn’t want to go on slip and break my expensive bottle.  And also there was lots of black ice witch is the slippery ice you could find. And everyone was falling and hurting them self’s but when l fell l just laughed. And me and my best friend Anneliese basically just sat and talk but we did go on the ice!

That is it from me BYE!

things l have learned last week/weekend

Hi l am going to be telling you about my week and my weekend first lets start on weekend so on the week end l go ridding on a Saturday and we do pole work and it is really fun and we also do trot and sit in trot witch is not easy when the horse has a bouncy trot and my foot came out the stirrup and was slipping of but stayed on we also do cantering witch is really fun l am getting better each week! Now l am finally gonna tell you about last week so first thing today was snowing and we were all sliding down the hill witch is really fun!!! and last week in outdoor learning and we got the choice to do a snowflake or a fish we did a fish and because l was in a group of 3 we had to do a bigger fish so Anneliese  did a big fish and me and Niamh did small fishes and l really enjoyed it! we have also been doing handwriting and today we had do do it fast and we seen how long is took us to do the sheet! Anyway that is it for now BYE!

Happy new year!!!

All about my Christmas/targets

so my first target was to read 3 book at home and l have started on this horse book because l love horses and l also go ridding and l can walk trot and canter and l am off the lead rein and l am also hopping to jump really soon. my second target was to get to spelling list 20 but just now l am on 16 and l will try improve and practise more of my words and hopefully move up! and now l am gonna tell you what l got up to on Christmas and some things that l got. So on Christmas l was at my dads so later on that day l went back to my mums and at my dads l got lots of sweets and air up pods and more….. and at my mums l also got lots of sweets a new phone[witch is Samsung] and a case for it and l also got body mists witch are so….? and l am really grateful and also some of my family came up and seen us but that is it for now hope you all had a wonderful  BYEEEE!!!!!!

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