Big Thursday Fuuuuuuun!!



Hello  Team Holywood how are ya all.?It is nice read everyone’s posts.

Today l completed my Sumdog challenge and moved up a wordlist. All VERY exciting! After lunch I practiced coding with my robot called Botley. Botley is a coding robot who can be programmed to follow instructions (turn right turn left go forward and reverse). l had GREAT fun because he can make up to 80 moves and he has a very cute voice! O







Totally Tuesday

Hi everybody how are you all?

Today l started school by doing maths. My score on my maths mix up sheet was thirty out of thirty! l was very pleased with myself. Next l practiced some Hungarian because l’ve gone a bit rusty😄. It made  me feel more confident in speaking Hungarian. After that l read some of a book called Let It Go which is based on Frozen but Anna and Elsa don’t know each other. It’s very exciting because it’s different from the film and it is full of twists.

Bye! Oriana

My Monster

Hello everybody how are you all?

l would like to introduce Maxyi the monster to you all. He is vivid green and has short, curved ears. He has three different sized eyes. His teeth are bumpy and he lost one of them. Maxyi is a friendly monster, he loves red, crunchy, juicy apples and fresh, cold water. He has three wings and dislikes raisins and LIARS! Maxyi has twelve squiggly tentacles as legs. His home is the amazon rainforest. His square nose and yellow slime on his body makes him stand out from the other monsters. Oriana







Tauriel The Elf 🧝🏿‍♀️🧝🏼‍♀️🧝🏾‍♀️

Hi Mrs Madden!

Here is my picture of Tauriel the elf, she is a character from The Hobbit. l like her because she is good at archery 🏹, she can use two swords at once, she is also kind but fierce. I really enjoyed drawing her. Oriana


Totally Tuesday-Tastic

Hello everyone how are you all?

Today l started school by doing some of the Sumdog challenge l was given. Next l did  some piano scales and some songs, lastly l did my maths mix up sheet.! After school l drew a picture of Tauriel  the elf. After lunch l went in the garden and played in the mud kitchen, we discovered some… hedgehog 🦔 poo  in our garden. Now we have to see if we can see the hedgehog! 

Bye! Oriana.

A “challenging “ day! 😃

Hi! How is everyone.

Today I completed three challenges ! The first challenge was that I wasn’t allowed talk for forty minutes and I could  only use sign language.  I had to write a few thing down because mummy and Mena couldn’t understand me. The second challenge was the lava challenge, where I had to make my way through  the garden on obstacles without touching the grass. I was nominated for this challenge by one of my friends. Me and Mena  completed the challenge and it was great fun. The last challenge was on Sumdog which Miss Brockie- Donald set us. I had two hundred questions to answer!   I started it yesterday and finished it today. We also studied jems as well as rocks, to identify them I used my rocks and minerals book. By Oriana🍀🌸🌈☀️



  1. Hi everyone! Hope everyone is doing well.Today I was doing stem.In stem I  was making boats ⛵ then I tested them to see if they would float in the water 💦. After that I did spelling and I have learned 10 new words! I am getting good at it!! Bye!!!from Mena!
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