Learning At Holywood (big Thursday)

Hey everyone! how are you all doing? This week [last week :)] we have been have been learning about 2 point perspective in art and we were using Minecraft houses as a 2 point perspective reference. In computer science we were learning about internet safety and how unsafe social media is.  After lunch we had P. E but I only stayed for a quarter of the lesson because I had hit myself in the face with  a basket ball TWICE! so unfortunately I wasn’t there for the rest of P.E or textiles. 🙁 Luckily on Friday  I learned how to have control of the ball. 🙂 

That’s all from me for a now :), BYE! O 



Hello everybody. How are you all?

Last week was our first big Thursday of the year! 

First we have computer science with Miss Pattie in which we are learning about digital literacy. We have already learnt the home row and how to type the E, R, I, U, T, Y, Q, P, O, W, V, M and me and Payton are just learning B and N with our fingers on the home row. We have been playing a game on BBC bite size called dance mat typing which helps you type faster but you have to keep your fingers on the home row keys. The game is super fun and I would recommend it to people struggling to type fast. Last week we also done a challenge that included typing questions into the keyboard. We still had to keep our fingers on the home row, however we were also sending each other emails, but they have to be appropriate. It’s really fun!   

Next we have art with Miss Stapleton who is teaching us about 0 point perspective, 1 point perspective, 2 point perspective, 3 point perspective, 4 point perspective and 5 point perspective. This week we were focusing on 0 point perspective. We painted the English country side and i painted a waterfall surrounded by a canopy of trees. It’s great fun!

Then we have P.E with Mrs McNay. We are learning about orienteering and it’s really fun!

Lastly we have textiles with Mrs Jardine. We are focusing on stitching things and learning how to sow. we learnt the running stitch, the back stitch and the cross stitch. At the moment I am working on a book mark that says my cats names on it and I really like it! 

That’s all from me for a now! BYE! O 























Rehearsal week

Hello everyone!

This week we have been rehearsing for our school show. our show is (drumroll please) EDDIE THE PENGUIN SAVES THE WORLD! My part in the play is PEPER THE POISON DART FROG! Payton’s part in the play is CASSANDRA CRAB! We are making all the sets and the costumes out of recycled materials.

That is all from us. Bye! O and Payton


Hello! How is everyone? 

Last  Friday  we went on a school trip to the Crichton to see a Totem from Mexico. We learnt all about the totem pole and drew pictures of it. The Totem pole is called Totem Latamat which means “life”. We climbed trees, hugged trees, slid down hills, saw the rock garden, drew our own totem and saw the 1 tonne wicker willow cow. We also visited my granny’s bench at the rock garden.

That is all from me! BYE! O

Holywood Learning!

Hi! This week we have been very busy doing lots of things, some related to our school play which I am really exited about. 

In the mornings we are doing health week. I have done P.E with  and Mindfulness . I made a stress ball and a really nice colouring sheet.

In maths we have been working on a class spreadsheet which helps us know how to collect data and I really like it.

That’s all from me, bye! O



Learning At Holywood This Week

Hello everyone, how are you all?

This week in literacy we have been doing something called a Wee Book Of Punctuation and Grammar so that is a book with all our punctuation and grammar recorded in it so that if we are stuck on a word or something then we can look in that. It is really fun. 

In maths we have been focusing on data handling which is really fun as well  as interesting. We have been focusing on making a questionnaire for the whole class to fill in individually so that will be fun.

In IDL we are doing our own board game with a partner based on the recent COP26 and climate change.

That is all from me. Bye! O 

Learning At Holywood

Hello everyone, how are you all?

Today I will tell you all about our learning in Holywood. This week we have been making sketch notes about our self which is really fun. We also also done Algebra in maths which looks really complicated but it is actually really easy. In class we have been doing a teacher description for the P1’s to know about all the teachers, mine was about Miss Stapleton.

That is all from me! Bye! O

My Holidays

Hi everybody! How are you all?

Today I am going to tell you what I got up to this October Holiday. 

On Monday Rhona came round to my house for a play date. I gave Rhona a face paint and then we jumped of the trampoline and filmed it in slow motion. We had a BIG laugh when we watched them all.  After that we started watching a Netflix series called Scardey Cats. I think we watched five episodes.

On Tuesday we didn’t do much but the next day was more event full. 

On Wednesday  we spent the first two hours of the day from 10 o’clock till 12 o’ clock at a really cool pottery class in a place called Clay Works Studio at the Crichton. I got to use the potter’s wheel. I threw 2 pots, one of them was a bowl and the other one was more of a milk jug. After the pottery class we headed to the motor way for a long journey to England. Luckily it  took us  under five hours. Our destination was a small-ish village called Bredon at the southern edge of Worcestershire to meet my cousins there for dinner. We had spaghetti bolognese and home made garlic bread with cheddar and mozzarella filling. After dinner we left their house and headed towards a village called Cam just next to Dursley to stay with my auntie. 

On Thursday we went to Slimbridge Wetlands Centre which is a place for people to see birds from all over the world. I fed greylag  geese some seed and daddy fed a mute swan. The birds were just roaming free so we got to see them up close. We visited some birds called Nē Nēs’ which live in Hawaii. Did you know that Nē Nēs’ walk carefully over cooled lava so they don’t fall even though they live in grasslands in Hawaii. After we saw the Hawaiian birds we visited the flamingos and watched them stand miraculously on one leg. Around half way through our visit we went to an amphitheatre to watch a show about the Grey Crowned Crane. They are beautiful birds with golden feathers on their head. After our lovely visit to Slimbridge me and daddy went to see the old  ships’ graveyard at Purton which was great fun. 

On Friday we went to lower stone to see my great granny which was really nice. After we saw her we went to see my other auntie and my other cousin. We saw her horses and i got to ride on two of them.

On Saturday we went down to Stroud to see family and we went to Stroud market and my cousin bought me a really nice ring.  In the afternoon we went on a really nice walk at a place called Westonbirt Aboratium with my cousins.

On Sunday we started a long journey back home to Scotland. Again, it took us under five hours. When we got home I wasn’t feeling too good because I had a slight temperature.  Luckily it wasn’t Covid.  

On Friday after I was feeling better we went for a swim at DG 1 in the leisure pool which was great fun. 

That’s all from me for a now bye! O




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