Learning At Holywood

Hello! How are you guys doing today? 

In Big Thursday we are doing our usual four subjects.

The subjects that we are doing are: POP ART, DRAMA, OUTDOOR LEARNING and P.E.

P6/7 start with pop art and we are focusing on a different kind of  art each week. Obviously, it is still pop art but so far we have done word art. Word art is a word in the middle of a page and then we decorated the outside of the word in patterns and colours. We have a rule that we only use three colours to colour in the whole picture. Then last week and the week before we were focusing on drawing a person in the style of Roy Lichtenstein. So his style is the face made of dots really close together and the hair was coloured in. When you drew the face you had to draw the face really big.

Then we go to drama were we are focusing on re-enacting stories and our story is about a man who saved his people from a horrid beast called a Minator. We also did a game called  television interview where we are interviewing Theseus who is the hero of Greece and Ariadne who is the betrayed princess of the isle of Crete. 

Next we go to outdoor learning were we are learning how to tie knots and make catapults. MY CATAPULT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, we go to p.e, where we are learning a variety of skills such as, throwing and catching, bating and running.

Well, I have to go now so bye!!!



hello everyone! how are you doing today??? this week we are BLOGGING about our learning in school!!

HI!!! It’s Rhona (your favourite person…. hehe….) and im here with Ori to talk about whats going on in school!! :))) (I’m NOT using that heading because it looks too….. PROPER which I DESPISE.) SoOoO! We are working on our teamwork and team building skills! :DDD And we started a new topic! IE (Drum roll please) WAR! Ori is going to write about the war now. 🙂 

so… our new topic is the world war one and two. we are reading a class novel about a boy who is in the army at the age of 16. his name is billy stevens, the only reason he is in the army in the first place is because he wanted to be. i feel like his best friend dies but i have no clue. we are asking about the war and after this we are going to look ip things about the war.
bye!!! r + o

10 best things that happened in our summer holidays featuring ORI and RHONA

This blog we are going to tell you what our TOP TEN THINGS are that we did in the summer holidays. Rhona is going first!!!

Hiii! Sooo! I’m doing my top ten first! 😀  STARTING WITH THE OBVIOUS,

  1. No school! (It was GREAT as I didn’t need to get up early and could snapchat my friends whenever i pleased!)

2. I went to Aviemore and Glenmore and it was amazing and we played Frisbee for HOURS. And we went in the boat on the lake and I pushed Charlie out.


4. We did a FREE summer camp for Kung fu and Karate and judo and……. all the other martial arts. There we got….. PIZZA, FRIES, BOUNCY CASTLES, POPCORN, POOLS, WATERSLIDE, JUICE, HOT TUBS and so much more.

5. I got my EARS pierced and I got the pink earrings even though I don’t like pink that much. 

6. I went to a barbecue and Nia was there and Contijn and Jullien were there. (Yeah i did just spell both all of them right. AND WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME SO I NEED TO WRAP IT UP.)

7. I went to multiple cafes.

8. I ate donuts (which were the BEST).

9. I went round to my friends house and every time it was great! 😀 

10. I had to meet a bunch of new people which i’m not very keen on.


Now for Oriana’s  TOP TEN THINGS!!!

  • I went to England and we stayed in Cotswold and we went to Cotswold wildlife park. 
  • We spent a day in Oxford on mummy’s birthday.
  • We went  GO APING which is were you climb up a tree really high and you do all of these cool activities. I chickened out when we had to cross a  rope bridge that all you had to hold onto was rope with a knot at the bottom and then you had to climb up a ladder. SCARY.
  • I went to a party on  Saturday and done karaoke until 1:00 am in the morning!!!!
  • I went on a really nice boat to a private beach called white port.
  • I swam in the river at Drumlanrig on daddy’s  birthday and it was EPIC!
  • I went to a martial arts summer camp (the same one Rhona went to!)
  • I had a play date with Rhona and we jumped in the paddling pool and I pretended to be a grandma turtle!
  • We went to We out here festival  and the music was so loud!
  • I went swimming in DG1 with mummy. It was SO fun!

So that wraps it up and we will see you next week!!!!!!!




Setting Up Tents For Residential.

Hello everybody. How are you all doing today?

Today we were learning how to put up tents so we knew how do it when we went on residential. We were in groups of three when we put up the tents. First we set up the tent poles and put them aside. We then laid out the ground sheet and put the tent poles into the pockets and clip the inside sheet to the tent poles. After we had done that we covered the tent in the waterproof cover and clipped the waterproof cover to the tent poles and there we had it! The tent was compete! We then dismantled the tent and packed it all away!


That is all that I have t!me for today! BYE!!!!!!!!!! O § ¶ ß

EASTER DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello everybody! How are you doing?

Last week we had Easter day. We played lots of games and we done a few competitions. Of course, it was all Easter related. 

We done a competition that involved decorating eggs. My one was a burger and Payton’s one was a bunnyWe then rolled our eggs down the hill. Some people even threw their eggs down the hill! We designed and made Easter hats, then Miss Dale and the other teachers gave all the best hats that had been made Easter eggs as prizes. We done an Easter egg hunt. P1/3 hunted for white stones so it spelled Easter eggs. The rest of the school had to hunt for a bunch of stones that had been decorated. There were also hot cross buns snake. So technically, all the ”Easter eggs” were actually stones.

That is all that we time for at the moment. BYE! O §¶ß and Payton! 




Who Am I?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? PART 2

Hello everyone! This is part two of the who am I blogs, which, you   actually haven’t heard from in a week. But then, a well, it doesn’t really matter. Anyway, back to the blog. Do you remember the description that I wrote, about my monster, well, in this post, you will get to see a picture of him. Oh, and also, I forgot to put his name, so, meet benny, the monster clay pot. 






  Thank you for reading this blog!!! 

That’s all from me for a now! BYE! O §¶ß 




Who Am I????????????????????????????????????????

Hello everyone! Today, I will be describing my clay monster that I made in art on big Thursday. Next week I will post a picture of my clay monster and you will have to guess what the monsters name is. So, here is the description.  

  • I am made out of clay { obviously }. 
  • my tail is a flat fan. this helps me to stand stably.
  • my eyes are on top of my head.
  • my tongue has dots on it.
  • I have two teeth that are very sharp. 

Thank you for reading that description about my clay monster. That’s all from me for now. BYE. O §¶ß 🙂



Tiger Tiger

hello, today we will be talking about a book that I have been reading recently in ERIC. It is called… (drumroll please) tiger tiger! (smattering of distant applause). It is about two tiger cubs that have been kidnaped by some two-legs (humans, but they call them two – legs in the book- oh, no spoilers)  and their mother (their big one)  has been killed. Then the younger tiger cub gets taken to have his fangs drawn and then he goes to the emperor of Rome, but he gives it to his daughter who loves him immediately and calls him Boots. His brother, however, gets taken to the circus to fight other animals or humans as entertainment for the emperor. And from there on I will not give any more spoilers incase you would like to read it too. Also, it is by Lynne Reid Banks. We done a task that included illustrating the first four chapters of the book. I am doing chapter 2  and that is where the emperor’s daughter gets Boots the tiger.

That’s all from me for a now  BYE! O §¶ß these are the special characters that I put beside my name.

Learning at Holywood { more specifically } Microbes :)

Hello there! How are you all?

This week we have got a new topic! I present to you…. [drumroll please] ….. MiCRoBeS!!!!!!! We have learnt that there are three different types of MiCRoBeS – these three different MiCRoBeS are the following: fungi, bacteria and… viruses :(. Did you know that most ViRuSeS are spread by not washing hands properly  [WOW! that is true and aren’t we all shocked by this]. ViRuSeS include- covid, norovirus and lots more. BaCtEria is EVERYWHERE! Some BaCtEria is good whereas some are harmful. Lastly,  FuNGi grows on old food, rooting fruit, dead animals and anything that was once alive…..  dun, dun, DUN. Okay I was a bit dramatic, putting the dun, dun, DUN at the end of the sentence about FuNGi! 😀 

That’s all from me for a now, so… BYE!!! 🙂 😀 O





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