Halloween day!!

on our first day back we did Halloween day I dressed up as a very spooky mummy it had spiders and fake blood and lots of bandages ( it was very itchy but worth it because I got a prize!!!!!). I wish we had done apple bobbing but it was pretty fun either way.  But we did what was in a wizards pocket and we made our own broomsticks but making chocolate apples was my favourite part( not the apples just the chocolate). Then after school we did a Halloween walk it wasn’t really a walk it was more of a hang around the woods and find the letters to spell spooky but i got a glow stick so that was cool. I STUCK MY HAND IN THE WITCHES CAULDRON IT WAS A BIG MISTAKE IT HAD NOODLES PEAS DISH SOAP UGHGHGHG IT WAS DISGUSTING!  There were lots of sound machines making spooky noises.



About Learning!

Our WW1 projects  are going really well. Me and my partner Payton are doing a model of a tank we have painted it the perfect shade of army green. I think it looks really good so far. My poster that i have been working on myself i think it really good quality and it up on the wall it looks really good! We  have read a little bit more of the Billy Stevens book  !SPOILER! its so sad because Billy’s friend are all dying first Danny and Alf then Ginger now Rob! We got to the part on Christmas day the Germans were really nice in this page. !END OF SPOILER! on Friday it non uniform day i still don’t know what i’m gonna wear it costs £2 but i’m definitely gonna dress up if i get CAKE! (obviously) .

Anyways BYE!


Operation Safety!

today all of he P7s went to DG1 for operation safety we went there on a bus. Their was 6 sets / classes to go to.

The first set we went to was internet safety things like don’t share your personal information online and don’t post anything if you are underage also keep you account on private.

Then the second set was about electricity and how dangerous it is and what it passes through.

The third set was learning the recovery position and A B C airway, breathing  and circulation/pulse.

The forth one before lunch was all about water safety shout throw reach go. Is what your supposed to do if someone is stuck in a river, loch and ocean.

Then it was lunch.

The second last one all about youth and yourself you had to pick a role model  and write 3/5 reasons why they are your role model.

The last one was about bonfire safety and what you can and cant put in a bonfire.

Then there was a a quiz before we went back to school at 2:00 I really enjoyed it.

Big Thusday!

Last big Thursday was amazing. We start off with art were are doing Roy Lichenstein inspired i don’t know if i spelt that right.Then we do drama we are currently doing Theseus and the Minotaur i am really enjoying it. Its outdoor learning were making cannons but we weren’t aloud to do knot in the rope so it was challenging. Finally we do PE i really like PE because we are doing rounders  i really like it because i know how to play it and that means i know the rules so i can play good.

goodbye adios ciao bye


We are currently learning about world war 1 and 2. We are reading a book called the trenches. Its the story of Billy Stevens we have made a freeze wall of his house and the trenches. We are also gathering an information for a poster about world war 1 in partners i’m working by myself witch i prefer because i am very bossy and i can make all of the decisions.

Business groups started again im in the leadership group witch mean i document what the other groups are doing and many other things witch i forgot. After i do this blog i am going making German/British solders for the freeze wall.



This week so far we have been reading a book called The Trenches its about Billy Stevens and his story about world war 1 and 2 its our new topic. Miss dale recently got a new speaker and sadly the old one got put to rest. This year on Friday  Mrs Mc Nae is doing writing so far we have described the characters we are writing about well at least i think we are writing about them. On big Thursday we are FINALLY doing drama which  is my favourite big Thursday subject. Maths started this week we are making games for the P1-3 class. We are also learning about respect and friendships. We have also made a door display we made digital portraits of each other it looks great.


The creeping toad storytelling!

last Friday creeping toad came to our school. He told many stories. We both like the one with the giant called Hugboy. It was about a giant called Hugboy and a girl giant called Misses.  Misses got tired of Hugboy being mean so she decided to go home to her mum in Iceland. But Hugboy didn’t like that so he chased after her. But Misses was faster than him and managed to get to Iceland with her mum. Hugboy went in a massive sulk and is still sulking to this day.


-Yasmin and Lottie

10 Things I did this summer

1 I watched Jurassic world Dominion

2 I saw a wild dolphins

3 I went to Noah’s house

4 I went to a caravan

5  I went to a beach

6 I had ice cream

7 I went to Glasgow

8 I was awake

9 I had  sweeties

10 I went to a park

Top ten things i did this summer!!!

•1 I went to Fusion (trampoline park)

•2 I played a football match.

•3 I stayed at my cousins house.

•4 Me and my brother went to the beach.

•5 I went swimming.

•6 I stared swimming lessons.

•7 I went to a park.

•8 i went on a cycle with my cousin.

•9  I play the Xbox.

•10   I went to the summer camp at  my karate teacher house.


•1 I went camping for 5 days.

•2 i had a sleepover at my cousins.

•3 i bathed my dog.

•4 i went to the park.

•5 I had lots of ice cream.

•6 my cousins came down to see us.

•7  I went back to school shopping.

•8 i slept over at my Granny’s.

•9 I went on a walk with my dog.

•10 i went on a tree swing.

  • Lottie


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