Hi its
Today I’m going to tell you about Easter day.
We decorated boiled eggs and rolled them down the hill.
We also went on a ROCK hunt, yes, a Rock hunt! We looked for rocks in a woods.
We also designed and made Easter bonnets.
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
HI it’s Erin
TO day I will tell you about my clay pot.
My clay pot is called Tilymilly (Tily is spelt with 1 L but is said with 2)
she is 3 year’s old she dose not like being called Till’s or any nickname her favourite song is 2002 by pink.
Hi its Erin
today I will tell you about our SCHOOL TRIP.
A school trip its been ages since I’ve had a school trip.
But now I FINALLY got one on Friday.
We slid down hills, we hid in trees, we saw totem lat a mat ,(it was at the Crichton)
hi its Erin.
today my class and I
wrote seances for the school play.
health week is going well.
there not much to tell you .
Hi its Erin !
Today i’m going to tell you about Health week in form of a song(i’m not singing it )
health week health week we’re doing yoga yoga yoga we’re doing yoga
health week cooking cooking up healthy snacks and PE games .
were doing it next week
hi its Erin
Today I am going to tell you about my holiday.
first week
I did a dance workshop and went to see storm
a big 10 feet puppet. I had a hole day of travelling to London on Saturday.
Second week
on Monday I went to Kew gardens
It took a whole day to go around Kew Gardens. We went in theses big greenhouses and they had exotic, rain forest plants. There were a lot of different varieties. It was so hot inside the greenhouses. Each greenhouse was huge – it took about an hour to get around.
On Tuesday I went to Thorpe park – it is a theme park in London.
On Wednesday night I went to Harry Potter Studio Tou,r London. I saw all the costumes and the stage sets. I was in the train – the Hogwarts express and in the great hall. It was all decorated for Hallowe’en!
Hi its Erin and Lottie
And we’re here to tell you about our learning yesterday. We started a personal project about food and different diets and Muslim foods.
I am is doing Muslim and food Lottie is doing different diets in India and Italy.
Hi it’s Erin
to day I had time to write the second chapter of my book
If you want to see chapter 1 find Alien girl by Erin
Alien girl
Chapter 2 identity reviled
for 5 years she kept her popper identity a secret untill now .Amy was at school
she walked to her locker and decided to tell her BFF Erin. Amy over here ! Erin shouted . Amy ran over and telled her every thing . what!shouted Erin.
that’s it form me right now bye
Hi its Erin
Today I’ve written the first chapter of my Book called Alien girl
Alien girl
Chapter 1 intro
Once upon a time there was a girl called Amy, she wore a tic tac toy T-shirt and a pink skirt but this ordinary girl has a secret she’s actually a secret Alien from a different galley . her planet exploded ,so before it happened she left and went to Earth . She is a kind girl. She lives whiff her mum , dad, brother ,sister, and uncle.
I might write more depends if I half time