Hi this is a blog

HI it’s…

Erin and today I will be telling you about school

we are now learning  about world war 2

and in maths WE are learning about  fractions with misses mcnay


I don’t know what to call this blog

Hi it’s ….

Erin and today I will tell you about things.

at school this week I made a billy Stevens newspaper front cover and the school has now got nesssy for a  few people in clouding me. nesssy is a website to hep with spelling and reading you watch videos witch tells you strategy’s  to help with spelling and reading and then you play games to practices the strategy’s you leant  you practice thins that you don’t   get to practices a lot  in p6/7


Oration safety

Hi it’s ……

Erin And today. I’m going to tell you about operation safety.

Operation  safety is a event that the police and Ambulance people run for p7 only  the Scottish power  people were also there. we made tic tock’s about internet safety on the app.

Here are some facts that we put on it.

tic tock is for 13 and up.

never post on an un privet account if you are under age.

keep your account on privet.

never show your face.

if you are unsure of  something  you  see talk about it.

Then we  learned about power





Hi I’m here (yay)

Hi its.


and today I will tell you about …

Big Thursday.

So first we did art we had to finish our dot people.

then we had drama  we did a news report. Ramani was the news reporter and I, was the  princess , Rhona was Thesis.

After lunch we have  out Dorr learning we made catapult’s  to practise  Knots.

Before  home time we do PE we did rounders  and practise batting .





hi its…

Erin and to day Airen is here with me and now Airen will tell you what we’ve been learning.


We learned math with miss Stapleton   We had an easy level ,medium level, hard level
We also did P.E  we did throwing and catching,
We had drama, We did deadly handshake where people would get a piece of paper and if they had a circle that would mean they’re innocent if they got a triangle that means they’re the murder.

We have a new topic abbot  world war one and two. 

setting up tents

Hi its Erin

today Daniel and I are going to tell you how to put up a tent.


step one : set up bedroom bed room put the floor on the ground.

step two: set up the poles.

step three; put the hooks  on the poles.

step  four: put the outside layer on hook the hooks on to the blue rings.

well done  you got a tent


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