Drama is a graphic novel. The first edition was published 2012 and printed in USA.
Drama is a book where Callie and her friends help plan the performance and make it happen. Her friend Liz made the costumes. Callie kept meeting other boys. At the end she was in charge of making the cannon pop. In the rehearsals the cannon had to pop with confetti but it wouldn’t pop big also they ran out of the confetti poppers so at the end the didn’t do it. By Orla.
Hi Orla – you’ve given us a summary of the story but a review also needs to tell us if / how much you enjoyed the book. Would you recommend it to others?
Could you extend your review? Pretty please?!
Thanks, Miss Dale
Sounds like a good graphic novel Orla!
Graphic novels are a very popular reading choice at Holywood and I can see why! Great illustrations AND exciting story lines. Did you enjoy the book? It would be great to hear what you thought of it.
Sounds like an enjoyable read Orla.