played on Xbox, great,
got a Lego star wars set
got a new game, fun.
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
played on Xbox, great,
got a Lego star wars set
got a new game, fun.
Hi is Thomas here today were talking about learning at my learning we do mas and in mash I have been doing my 6 times table. And I Know how to do my 4 times table and I now how to do 8 and 9 trims table. And on my spelling list sum of the words are Thursday and Tuesday. And Thursday and Tuesday is hard to spiel but a easy one is car is rely easy to spiel .On mash we hat to get a meal only using £15. And what we got woes the starter woes nuggets and four the mane course woes a happy meal and four the Desert woes orow mic floury and it woes rely fun and we had £2.01 left.And at my learning and my learning is rely fun.On mash am on starting level one and a tray angel but there is 3 Different groups but o is the hardest goop.And on mash we do mash a sentiment and am on at level one is the second lowest mash assessment but is still a we bit hard and tangles Ar stl a we bit hard and sum teems is a we bit easy and we learn about electricity good by by by by Thomas is been a rely fun day
hi its Daniel here today i’m going to talk about my learning. On big Thursday we are doing the cup song in music. And in maths today we had to make a holiday with £500 hundred pound so me and Claudia so we went to Ireland on the ferry from carerying to Belfast and then we bot a tent to sleep in over night and for food we bot two meaduim pizzas from dominoes and we had to buy petrol to. On Tuesdays we are doing kiva anti bullying and last week we played a game called the not were you had to not every person except for two people and they would try to un not us. In p.e we are doing hockey and I youst to play for a hockey club so I have a experience at playing hockey and I have a hockey stick that I want to bring in to school to show everybody. Today we done french in the reading hub and we were doing the months and days but we moved up to the alphabet and it is hard and we are going to be doing that for lots of weeks. And are new topic is electricity. so we made these lights turn on and of using electricity.
Maths is were you answer questions
We have different maths group rectangles is me Claudia,Daniel,Miller and Tasnim circles, is Brody,Olly,Tom, Owen squares is Thomas,Grace,Carlay,Rubyand triangles is Amber,Asil,Alexi,Daise.
I’m have just moved up in to rectangles so that means i do harder questions. The lowest group is triangles the hire group is squares the hire group is rectangles the highest group is circles
Today we are talking about our kiva lessons.
We will be kind to each other. We will help each other. We done a kiva contract some of the things we wrote was we will listen to each other. ideas we will use kind actions so no one gets hurt . We will include everybody.
Curtis and Carlay
Hi today we are going to talk about maths. in maths were doing some budgeting. we also do around the world and it is very fun. we only had 15 pounds and we had to buy a starter , a main , a dessert and drinks.
bye for now
daisie and ruby
Spelling – We get our spelling jotters out with our spelling lists. We write them and play games together.
Reading – For reading we get our reading boxes out to check whats on the clipboards. We do things like reading our group books first, then usually task map, reading box card, also alphabet game and blog review.
Maths – Rowan taught miss McCaskie a new German card game called Knach. we learned about budgeting and money
IDL (Electricity) – In P 3-5 we made mind maps about electricians. We are making posters on publisher.
PE – In p.e we played the number hokey game and a 2 V 2 hokey match and practised Indian dribbling.
Health and Well being(KIVA)-We made a class Knot and Tasnim and Alexi untied us.
Blog-we blog about our learning every tuesday and some time’s we Do it about electricity.
Village tidy up
community helping hands
it is Fun to do
1 invent a business
2 research things to sell
3 show it to dragon