Enter prise in math

“Hello today I`m going to writ to you about Enter prise hope you enjoy.
So the first thing we got up to was we split into groups of three or more .My group wanted to do slushy’s and chocolate fruit .But to many groups wanted to do food so our teacher said we should do a café .Then a compel of children said that they didn’t want to do a café so we split in to different groups and that didn’t go as planed ever so our teacher gave us a page of paper that said to think of a idea to sell that is not food. My group said that we should do plastic cups then one of the people in my group said wee should do paper Masha lamps made out of balloons and make them into balloon Animals . Our teacher liked the idea so today we started to begin our plan I was doing the presentation for when Jullien’s dad comes in to see if our product is worthy enough to be invested in. The pitchers of the balloons is what my group has started .
thanks for reading bye.


In maths we are doing Enterprise to try and make money for school. My group are making seed bombs and painted plant pots. Here are some pictures





In math’s we  are  making a business. my group is called the garden gang me Reece Findlay Jayda McKenna Sevi and Sam. we are making plant pots what are decorated and making seed bombs. seed bombs are clay soil and seeds we are doing wild flower seeds then you just chuck it out and if it rains the seed bombs will disintegrate and the seeds will grow in your garden. Mr. leclercq is going to be coming in and judging and will be picking groups who can do it and if you get pick your group gets £10 to do your business.



By Azari


Hi it is Findlay we are learning about electricity it is really fun we are making circuits the circuits are simple is just one bulb , series is two bulbs , parallel is three bulbs you need a batterie and two crocodile clips and bulb


hi my name is Lewis and today I will be talking about electricity.  In  electricity we are doing circuit  there are three different types of the circuit (simple, series, parallel) .  the way a  a circuit works is you grab a bulb  a crocodile clip switch  and a battery attach the clip to the battery and the bulb  and attach the clip to the switch and click the switch . 



goodbye from Lewis


hi its Jayda we are learning about  electricity we were doing circuits I learned different types of circuits   parallel ,series  we made a parallel circuit and put three lights on it it was very fun bye

Maths Enterprise project


Today I am going to tell you about our project in maths. We have been put into groups or pairs and are doing our own products using £10 only to invest on thing we need to make our products. Me and my bestie Nancy are doing our product using buttons. I know you are thinking “How are you going to make something out of buttons that is going to sell and make good profit?” But we have came up with an idea of making trees, flowers and bees out of buttons. We would get paper and  draw a design of a tree, flower or bee, lay out the buttons on top and cover it with hot glue. We would then take the buttons of the template and there you go a tree out of buttons and it shows peoples love for nature and pollinators. I am also going to make the tree of life using bendable wires and making it into a tree with roots and feed buttons onto the wires that represent the branches.




My learning

Hi its Daniel here I’m going to talk about my learning. In school we are doing kiva auntie bullying were you do stuff to stop people getting bulled or to stop people bullying other people. On Monday we do P.E and are P.E is hockey not ice hockey ground hockey and rite now we are doing dribbling. Are topic is electricity and we were making electric circets using battery’s and wires to turn on lights and buzzers.




En français, nous apprenons les noms des sports. Notre professeur de français s’appelle Madame Hamilton. Les sports que nous apprenons sont l’équitation ; natation; le rugby; le football et le tennis. L’équitation serait ma préférée mais je fais aussi de la natation. Je participe à des compétitions de natation et je participe aux sorties à vélo. Madame Hamilton nous a appris à prononcer les mots français et à les mettre en phrase, soit j’aime, soit je n’aime pas. Je n’aime pas le football !

French !!! by Nancy

bonjour aujourd’hui je vais parler de français !! donc en français on fait du sport et on apprend à dire par exemple si je disais – j’aime le football ça voudrait dire j’aime le football !! et si je disais – j’adore le patinage, cela voudrait dire que j’adore patiner, donc c’est tout pour cette semaine.

Au revoir

par Nancy !!

Au fait, j’aime le jus d’orange ! héhé
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