easter holodaiyz

Hello, I’m Sammy and today im bloging about da holaidays anyways 😀

In the Easter holidays we went to rune’s house and tom’s house.

I also got a new game.

We went to the big dog festival it was fun.

The bad thing is we kept going to the shop.

I started a recipe book which had my family’s custom recipes and versions of already existing recipes.



My Easter holiday!

Well I had a great Easter holiday!!!

I first went to Alton towers. My cousins from Wales came. I was really exited to go because I have not seen them for ages. Now I love roller coasters but my cousins are not that keen. My top 3 rides where.

  1. TH13TEEN ( a roller coaster that shots you in the dark)
  2. Spin ball wizard( high drops while the cart spines)
  3. Wicker man ( littler roller coaster that still shots you of and if it is raining it feels like hail)
  4. Oh and there was a ride called Emily never going on that again

 Now I went to Aberdeen to see my other cousins we went to

  1. a seal beach,
  2. went trampolining awesome
  3. climbing which was fun. There was one called the steps to heaven and it was easy getting up and horrific getting down because you just had to jump but on one of the times I fell backwards off it and banged my head I was alright through it was sore but of course I still did it again.SPINNING COASTERS VIDEOS & FACTS - COASTERFORCE Spin ball wizard Alton Towers: Opiniones, Info, Precios, Ofertas | PACommunity Wicker man 
  4. EmilyReview: The Curse at Alton Manor, Alton Towers | RideRaterCURSED: The Inside Story of Thirteen – The Biggest Coaster Let-Down EVERTH13TEEN

My Easter Holidays 2024

Hola,  I am going to talk about my Easter holidays this year. On the first  Saturday of the Easter holidays it was Tom’s Birthday party (Tom is my little brother) and all of his friends came round, even one from Kippen and the one from Kippen stayed for a sleepover.
The second day which was a Sunday we visited the school playground with toms friend and we played in the mud kitchen and then we had to go back home. After that Tom’s friend we went back home and then we went home played video games. The next day we went to Popeye’s park and we played on the big slide all day. Hey its me again and it is Tuesday I forgot what we did until good Friday. Hola its good Friday and my grandparents came for the weekend and on Easter Sunday the Easter bunny came he gave us loads of chocolate and my mum hid all of the little eggs again and then me and tom kept hiding each others eggs too!!! 
The Next day my Granny and Grandad left to go back to Yateley and we played video games for the rest of the day. Hi I have skipped to the next Thursday when my Mum’s friends came over for a stay for 1 night before they got the ferry to go to Ireland we went to the park with them and played games then we saw them leave. After they left I had a cup of Peppermint tea and spilt it 🙁 it burned meeee 🙁 Anyway thats all from mee

Bye Bye 

by Nancy!!

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