

Hi 😀

On Wednesday we started our induction days. We met at the picnic benches by the gate and the buddies took us to our first classes. There was different buddies for each house (Nith, Cairn, and Scaur). Heres some classes we did 🙂


Dodgeball, Who can build the biggest tower
with PE equipment, Jedi dodgeball, warm up
stuff, badminton.


All about me (maths style), solve all about me
by the teacher.


Writing ideas of what we think happened in
news stories based on headline, interviewing
a partner.

-Social studies

Geography- organising pictures.
History- picture on the board and circling
things that weren't made in that time, learning
about the moon landing and finding words to
do with it around the classroom.
Modern studies- word search about things to do
with the current environment, modern studies
RE- writing down rules of the classroom,
answering questions that were in the 

-Health & wellbeing

Answered questionnaire about how we felt with
going to a new school on our phones and
submitted to office.
PSE (personal social education)- talked about
school rules and what to do when lost.


Played songs on the ukulele and the keyboard.
Made a poster titled "My Musical Journey"
about our experience with music.


Team-building games where we make our teams
into a certain shape and drama games 
including wink murder.


We used Bunsen burners and went round 3-6
different stations. 
Learned how to draw scientifically.


Drew insects and coloured them in with bright 
pencils or just sketched them.


Played French games.


Went off topic and spent 25 mins talking about

-Design & technology

The teacher was showing us how to speak
"French" and we didn't have time to make our
own boats to race so we used ones other people

Bye 😀 

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