On the 6th of June, 1940, Germany took over Western Europe by force, along with France, Netherlands and Belgium. To fight and free these countries, the American, Canadian and Britain Army got involved together, and performed the BIGGEST military procedure ever attempted on sea, air and land. This courageous operation would be known as, D day. (D stands for D so it’s kinda weird…. Day day…. ANYWAYS) THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of American, Canadian and British soldiers landed on the beaches, air planes and ships to support them. They managed to take back ALL five of the beaches they targeted. (Which was made easier, as just weeks before hand, they had tricked Germany into thinking they were headed for another part of the French coast, when in actual fact, were NOT.)

D Day was a HUGE turning point for the war, as before, British troops had no access to Western Europe, but after this affair, allied soldiers had a way to send their people to fight against the Germans, and begin freeing countries taken by Nazis.

The Germans ended up splitting their forces between the Eastern Front, and the Western Front, weakening their side, fast forwarding to the end of the war.

AHH MY FINGERS HURT FROM TYPING THAT, BUT YEA. So I hope you learnt more about D day from all this, because I GOTTA BOUNCE TO GALA GROUPS!

OKAY, Bay bayy! C: -Rhona and Ramani.



D-Day was part of WW2, Being the most remembered war and the most dangerous one, This is the 79th anniversary, Great Britain got stuck Dunkirk beach due to the Germans, Then the Nazi’s tried to invade Russia but that was A HUGE mistake, But the nazi’s couldn’t fight in the coldness, It gets up to -45 in russia, The russians were used to this insane coldness, The Nazi’s couldn’t hold it and retreated.

it is important we remember this day.

By Kye And Airen!

D Day

it is D days 75th anniversary today. D day took place on the beaches Norman d beach. there was  many d days but this one was the most memorable one.

by Carson and freddy

D day blog

🙂 Hi its …………..


Erin andd……


Today we will be telling you about D day.

D day  stands day day, it was the start of The end There were many D days but this one was the most important.

D-day took place on June 6th 1944 and attacked the beaches of France that Germany had taken over. The British pretended they were going to attack another beach so the Germans sent all their troops there.

D day was in ww2.

bye 🙂

bye 🙂

D-day newsround

Hi it jullien and I am going to tell about d-day its a day from WW2 where Germany was trying to invade Great Britain and the soviet union at the same time so Germany wasn’t that strong as usually. So Great Britain tricked Germany by making signs on the other part of France so America Canada Great Britian came with Air,land,water vehicles and it was very cold in moscow that it is called the cold war over there!


Hi there today we are going to be telling you all about  d day.

D-day is when solders traveled to a beach and on news round there was some really good information because there was this guy and his brother he was 7 and a half and his brother was 6 and a half. Lets move on to learning so we did these big flowers with Primary threes and l did this nice blue flower and l did a yellow flower l got on to painting but l am still drawing.

that is it from us bye!!!!!!

D- Day 6.6.1944

In June 1944, Great Britain, Canada and America joined forces and proceeded to try and push the German forces back. This is known as D-Day. it was the biggest invasion from the land, sea and air that had ever been attempted. D-Day is a secret name for the British to use when they were planing a big attack. D-Day means Day Day.  All of the soldiers that were present on the day of the attack go back to where it all commenced.  Over 3000 soldiers died in Britain alone. 


D- day or day day is where the allies took back Norman d beach which gave hope to all the people in Brittan. Because it meant that they have took back a country which was France. It was the biggest invasion on sea, air and land in WW2.  We may have lost many solders but on the Norman d beach there is now a service and a memorial to remember all the solders that died. In this memorial we remember the day on the 6th of June 1944  and to this day we still talk about the solders that to gave there lives to win the war and we pay respect to them.


by Daniel, Noah and Abigail

D Day.

Today the P6/7 learnt about D Day. D Day happened on the 6th of June 1944 today is the anniversary of D Day. Thats why we learnt about it today. Today was the 79th anniversary of D Day.  The UK, Canada and the US took part in the mission.




D-Day newsround

Hi it’s Rory and Caspian.

Today we will tell you about D-day. It occurred on the 6th of June 1944, marking it’s 79th anniversary. It was when the allies landed on the beaches of Dunkirk, and attacked the Germans with a surprise attack. while this was happening Germany were fighting the soviet union which is now Russia so this made it because they were fighting 2 people at once



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