science experiment :-)

hi its Erin…

and to day I will be telling you about, a science  experiment we did.


We needed to separate sand, salt, rice, and stone,from each other this is how you do it. 🙂


What you need

mixture of salt,sand rocks, and rice,

beakers and stand,

filter paper,






hot water,




How to make:-)

  1. get your mixture and take out  the stones
  2. carefully use a pint brush to brush the sand of the stones put the stones to the side.
  3. use the sieve to sieve out all the rice from the sand and  put it in a beaker.
  4. put the filter paper in the funnel  and put the sand in (the sand will have the salt in it) carefully poor hot water in wait for all the water to filter through do no let the water or sand level go over  the filter paper.
  5. repeat step 4 until the water is clear.


we didn’t have time to Finnish it so yeah this is what We did. 🙁


my partner was Skye.


bye. 🙂


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