we have been learning a bout African rainforest’s and the Africans eat yams in leaves, meat, banana and more. they use wood for houses, ladders and masks and use black cherry tree bark as medicine.
all about my learning!!!!!!(:
hiii Payton here today is about health week and we were doing a different subject every day but it was only four days. The first day we done the walk and it was with miss Stapleton and Annaliese it was really fun. Then we done kababs with Julian and miss Dale I had to work with a p.1. I loved pineapple. and the next day we were doing p.e with miller and Mr Thomson and we had a lot of it games like exhaustion tag it was exhaustion. and the last one was yoga with Azaria and Mrs madden and we made tree hats.
learning /:
Auditions were today I went for drum role please…………….a Hyena. health week was last week we done P.E,yoga,stone painting,fruit kebab and walking.
by freddie
Learning with RHONA! C:
Hiii! It’s Rhona back to talk about learning at Holywood!! :DD So first of all, Miss Dale sorted Duolingo so that I can learn Romanian, Ori can learn Latin and Caspian can learn Japanese!!! (Duolingo’s really good and has every language EVER on it so I think you should check it out :)) )
Auditions were today and I went for TIMON THE MEERKAT! I tried to be loud and everything so that people could hear me and I think I did alright? If I get the part I will surely update you on it alr! (If you don’t know already somehow, we’re doing the lion king as a play after Erin nagged enough to do it. Heh.
Ok so that’s all for this week and as soon as I get a part I will defo update you all ok! :))
Byeeee! From RHONA!
So it is Tuesday. And today we did……..AUDITIONS! for the lion king 2 of my friends auditioned for the hyenas it was really fun i learnt the lines off by heart. I JUST REALLY HOPE I GET THE PART! I’m really exited!!!! So on Friday we get Mrs McNae forgive me if i spelt that wrong but we did poems about the seas on the moon?? i really enjoyed it i did it on the sea of rain if i remember correctly. ALSO THE SHOW IS IN LIKE… 4 WEEKS!! i’m really exited to see what i’m being!! In our Africa topic we have watched a little video about the rain forest in Cameroon and the people there. I’m in the middle of making a poster all about it. I sill need to add a bit of information and colour draw a few pictures then i am DONE!
school play!!!!!!! 
Last weeks blog was going to be about health week but then i decided it was going to be about this:
ok, that aside, this post is going to be about the show…
We had auditions this morning and it was fun, i auditioned for Zazu, Timon, and Pumbaa. We will have rehersel week starting on the 5th December and the week starting 12 Dec is show week!! the part i want to be the most is…
all about learning in p6/7
hi its Jackson. in class we are learning about Africa and we are making posters about the rainforest in Cameroon. and we are doing a personnel project on some animals in Africa and we were doing a project on how to make a drum but we finished it
by Jackson
This week’s learning
So in spelling recently I got an upgrade. I’ve gone from English… TO JAPANESE! So now I’m using Duolingo to learn Japanese. I’m currently on Unit 2 and I’m learning how to greet people and order food. For example: “Nice to meet you, Noah.” in Japanese is “Douzo yoroshiku, Noah-san.”. Also in maths we’re doing 3d shapes. We watched another Africa’s Child the other day. It was about Cameroon, and living in the rainforest. We made posters about it. I’m also doing a project on African animals and I’m going to make like a comic or something on it.
Bye… Also this was Caspian.
HEALTH WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi! How are you doing? This week we done something called health week. Health week is were we do four activities That are related to health and wellbeing. These are the things we done.
- Yoga
- Arts and Crafts
- Fruit Kebabs
- Walking
- P.E.
We got into groups. My group started with yoga and arts and crafts. Then we done P.E. after P.E, we went on the walk. Last but not least we made fruit kebabs. The yoga and arts and crafts were in one session. Each session was an hour long.
well, that is all from me, but l will be back with more.
Bye! O
all about our learning
All about our learning first we watched Africa’s child and we did a poster all about a rain forest. Then we have our personal project and we had to pick at least 5 African animals and l picked elephant, zebra, giraffe, cheetah, rhino. This week was health week and we did P.E fruit on sticks yoga and rock painting and a walk we did them because they were healthy and we should be eating 5 a day every week. that is it from me from Gabriella