on Halloween day we first done a Halloween dance and then we done wizard pockets you would make 10 things and a tag what that thing is for. then we had 5 teams 1 then you would put toilet paper and we mummify them.
We made wizards pockets, and we make items to go into them,
After that we made witches brooms. we had to get one big stick and 12+ little sticks, We got duct tape to tape them together, And we sat them in safe places.
After that we did mummy games, we where toilet papers P7’s, We had 4 – 6 groups, they each had a P7 infront of them, they had to run and Toilet paper them.
After that, we ate our chocolate apples, then we had a big break , I played a WW1 game Lewis, then we went home!!!!!!!
Hallowe’en at Holywood
yesterday was Halloween day and we did lots of activities like making broom sticks, wizard pocket, chocolate apple and a disco Rhona was Cruella de vil and Ori, Skye and Erin were her Dalmatians I was Kylo Ren. my favorite thing was the chocolate apples my second favorite was the disco and next year I hope we do a chocolate apple hunt
by Jackson
Halloween with Rhona!! Heh.
I was Cruella De Vil as you can see, ad Ori Skye and Erin were my dalmatians!
It was SUPER FUN and I had to wear a dress which can I point out I have not wore a dress in 7 YEARS. Yeah. I told my dalmatians that if we win a prize than we will all go to Glasgow for 3 nights and each of them will pick a dress for me to wear for each of the days. DANG IT. Should not have made that promise because we won a diddly darn prize. Yeah. That was silly. To say the least.
Sorry for the weird writing an underlined stuff, as I am not the BEST at making things normal because I just can’t heh.
BYE! From Rhona :)))
Hi its Payton here today we are talking about Halloween yesterday at school. it was really fun we were active all day. We were playing games like make a mummy and spooky corners musical statues. oh and i won a game of musical statues. And Rhona and Skye won with me. We also made chocolate apples. Rhona was dressed up as Cruella de vil and her puppy’s were Skye Ori and Erin I was a skeleton. teachers were dressed up as well. Miss patty was a persy pig it was cool bye
halloween at holywood!!!!
Yesterday it was Halloween day at school!!! Rhona was Cruella De Ville and me, Ori, and Erin were the dalmatians!!! I was a zombie dalmatian because it was halloween!
Here’s some photos:
The costume parade!!
Miss Dale, Miss Stapleton, Miss Nyondo, and Mrs Madden as pacman ghosts!!
The costume parade!! (again)
Me, Rhona, Ori, & Erin as Cruella de ville and dalmatians!!
some of the chocolate apples we all made!!
First we had photos taken, and had a costume parade!
Then we made some wizards pockets with stuff in them!
Afterwards some of us (the ones that finished not me) made broomsticks!
We got pulled out to make chocolate apples!!!!!!
Then we played some halloween games!
One of them was musical statues but we had to freeze in a zombie/ mummy pose!
We got pulled out for a spider/centipede/bat hunt!
After school we had a spooky walk and sweets there was also a tub of disgustingness that you stick your hand in and find a plastic spider for sweets and my hand stunk D: !!
After school i went trick or treating with lots of people from school and got SO many sweets!!
this is the longest blog i have done in forever XD
Halloween day!!
on our first day back we did Halloween day I dressed up as a very spooky mummy it had spiders and fake blood and lots of bandages ( it was very itchy but worth it because I got a prize!!!!!). I wish we had done apple bobbing but it was pretty fun either way. But we did what was in a wizards pocket and we made our own broomsticks but making chocolate apples was my favourite part( not the apples just the chocolate). Then after school we did a Halloween walk it wasn’t really a walk it was more of a hang around the woods and find the letters to spell spooky but i got a glow stick so that was cool. I STUCK MY HAND IN THE WITCHES CAULDRON IT WAS A BIG MISTAKE IT HAD NOODLES PEAS DISH SOAP UGHGHGHG IT WAS DISGUSTING! There were lots of sound machines making spooky noises.
Halloween at Holywood
Hey guys! How are you guys doing? Yesterday was Halloween day at school and here are some pictures.
There was: Dalmatians with Cruella De Vil, Minions, Mummies, Zombified School Girls and many more! We made chocolate coated apples and played musical corners, made brooms and wizards pockets and last but not least, we had a great time!
That is all from me right now, but I will be back with more! BYE!!!!