Please click on the link for the most amazing animation you’ll ever see in the entire universe! make sure to click on slide show then play from the beginning!
presented by Lottie and Payton payton lotties
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Please click on the link for the most amazing animation you’ll ever see in the entire universe! make sure to click on slide show then play from the beginning!
presented by Lottie and Payton payton lotties
Hi guys how are you all today p7 went to DG1 to have a day of operation safety. we ate snack then we went in to groups. It was the police first, we wrote internet apps for each letter of the alphabet. The police officer told us that the internet isn’t really safe. Some things are for 13 year olds and you could see some bad stuff on there. To stay safe you could not use the apps until you are 13 or stay SMART.
Then we went to the electric safety. We shouldn’t touch broken wires.
Next there was an accident. There was a women who was unconscious. there were wires and paint tools on the floor., we had to move them out of the way. We had to check her pulse. Lift her leg off the chair. Check if there was any sick in her throat or if her tongue had flipped over.
Hey guys! How are you all doing?
Today P7s went to DG1 to have a day of operation safety.
We went in groups, so, our school was our school, obviously, and we were also with Gelston Primary and we first went to a room that was on a corridor that I had never seen. When we entered, there was a lady standing there with purple hair and was wearing a blue top that said YOUTHWORKS on it. The room had white walls and a large window at the end. In this room we each had a table of six and we had a board with the alphabet and we had to name as many apps as we could starting with each of the letters in the alphabet. We then made a Tik-Tok (but our group never made one) that wasn’t going to get published anyway.
Then we went to another room and we were focusing on safety with cables and live wire. We then did an exercise that included holding hands to complete a circuit of possibly 1 volt, but anyway, when we all held hands we lit up a light and it flashed and made a sound. At the end we done a little questionnaire.
When we went to another room afterwards we found a lady on the floor, unconscious (not) and she had a paint tray, a paint roller, two cables (not live) and her leg was resting on a chair that was on it’s side. We then checked all of the hazards and Erin switched off the wire (it was a fake button) and then Noah moved all of the wires and the paint tray and the paint roller out of the way as fast as he could. Then we checked her breathing and she was alive (obviously) and then we put her in recovery position and she was alive!
Next, before lunch, we went to learn about water safety and all we did was talk about water safety and we looked over the water rescuer’s outfit.
After lunch we went to do a calm activity were we wrote down our role model and what we liked about our self .
Finally, we went to do fire safety and we talked about what we could and couldn’t put on a fire. Then we did a quiz and then we went home.
Miss Dale gave us Doodle Books to doodle in when we are listening to a story or at break times.
So far I have doodled a schematic of a robot head showing the inside and a robot arm.
I am very interested in robots and want to design my own.
By Daniel
At operation safety we went to the police 1st and we did safety on the internet
Next we did electricity we learned about how we are using more green energy
after that we did training on our airway breathing circulation or abcs for short
then we did water safety we learned that cold water shock can even effect Olympic swimmers
then lunch.
finally we did bonfire safety and sparklers are more dangerous than fireworks
Hi it’s ……
Erin And today. I’m going to tell you about operation safety.
Operation safety is a event that the police and Ambulance people run for p7 only the Scottish power people were also there. we made tic tock’s about internet safety on the app.
Here are some facts that we put on it.
tic tock is for 13 and up.
never post on an un privet account if you are under age.
keep your account on privet.
never show your face.
if you are unsure of something you see talk about it.
Then we learned about power
Today we went to operation safety at DG1 there was police, paramedics, firefighters and Scottish power. We started with the police and they were talking about online safety and we got to make a TikTok about online safety but they didn’t post it on TikTok then we went to Scottish power and there was a big photo and we needed to spot all the dangers and did you know there is 230 volts of electricity on your house and it only takes 100 to be deadly and there is 400,000 volts of electricity in pilons thirdly we went to the firefighters and they were talking about fireworks and bonfires and fires and how it was bat to throw them and to put plastic on fire because it gives of toxic fumes
by Jackson
First we done online safety and we done a Tic Tok about how to keep safe but didn’t post it. After we done power safety and we had to spot electricity danger. And then we learned how to deal with an unconscious person. Next we learned how to save someone from open water. Then we had lunch. After lunch we done who our idol is and why. Last we done what we can and cant put in a bonfire. And then we done a questionnaire.
By Freddie
HI AGAIN! Guess what? Today we went to operation safety!!!!! It was REALLY fun and there were a few other schools who were having just as much fun as we were!! (I think)!
So there were the classes where we went in groups and learned different things about the different people’s jobs and how to keep safe in different scenarios. (Triple whami of different.)
I would say that I’m not telling you about it because I don’t want to ruin it but the truth is I can’t remember anything….. heh. (I had a bacon roll for lunch and it was the BOMB. Ooo and I met a good few friends there as well.)
So the moral of the story is that you need to be SAFE and remember the stuff that you learned because otherwise your blog will be boring and Miss Dale will take the wobbly stool off of you.
Bye bye! Adios! Ciao! And any other languages!
By Rhona :)))
Here is what we did at operation safety!:
first we went to a room where we learnt about internet safety with the police. We got into 3 groups and we:
made a video about internet safety (not showing your face, not putting personal details online, etc.)
& we got a whiteboard with the alphabet on it and wrote social media platforms, video games, and online things on it.
second, we went to a room with the Scottish power energy people and learnt about being safe around it and facts.
Then we filled in a sheet to see if we were paying attention or remembered.
Third, we went to a scene where someone severely hurt themself on an electric thing, and the guy was funny.
We learned about what to do in this situation and the abc method (a= airway, b= breathing, c= circulation).
Afterwards, we went to a water safety room where we found out what to do when we are drowning or if someone is in need of help.
Fun fact- the average Scottish water temperature is approx. 12°C!
We afterwards went to an all about me youth place where we wrote down on a piece of paper who our role models/ people we look up to are and why. Then, we wrote down:
People we’d go to if we needed help
Something else
What we are good at
What we like about ourselves
Then, we were finding out about fireworks.
We were playing a game, where we threw a cardboard “firework,” and there was things down a line, and at the end was a mother and baby. we were supposed to throw it as far down the rope it was attached to without hitting the mother & baby. If we hit them we lost all our points.
Fun facts about fireworks!:
The sparkler is more dangerous than a bonfire or rocket
It’s 20 times hotter than a kettle of boiling water