St. Joseph’s College

Last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I went to my induction days at St. Joseph’s College in dumfries. Today I’ll be talking about Wednesday. OK GO!


On day one I get up, grab my backpack and shoot out the door like rocket! I get to St. Joe’s and go down to the meeting point, turns out I’m in group 1-b. A couple of S6s showed us where to go and how to get to our English class.

English Class

In English we were designing hoodies about ourselves.

French Class

In French we were just going over what we learned in primary school.

Break Time

At break I decided to phone my mother and ended up almost giving her a heart attack because she forgot that I was allowed my phone.

Social Studies

I SS we were told what we would be learning about which was: history, geography and something else that I can’t remember.

Double Science

In Science we were making this Cobalt Chloride paper that is used to test for water. After that we were testing what different types of salt looks like on a flame.Fun Fact: Strontium Chloride looks reddish when put in a flame!


I had a chicken goujon wrap and a brownie for lunch.


Double Home Economics

In Home EC we made french bread pizza.

Then everyone went home.

See you next time,


Wallace hall

Last week all the P7’s from all different primary school such as our school Holywood went to high school for 3 days Wednesday to Friday ( I went to Wallace hall)  For a trip We got to go to classes look around the school and other wonderful things, We wore treated very nicely by all staff , our buddies and over students!.

On the first and second day we all got buddies . Buddies are students who are S 6 that take a group for each house ( skaur, nith and cairn)i am in  skaur  And they would take us to all our classes, show us to the lunch halls , bathrooms, Do our register between classes , give us advice and make sure we are all safe and happy in general . on the third day we didn’t get buddies we had to find our own classes which was actually rather easy  . my favourite classes wore Art and maths . In Art we had to write our name is big bubble letter after we decorated them like monsters, demons some people even made eye balls for O.  This was really fun and when we go back we will get to finish them off. In maths we got given a sheet off paper on it was football uniforms we wore asked to colour them in and try to figure out all the codes There was around 28 codes in total.  We also did English . In English we did a word search with different important words in literacy . Words that poets used and Words that we would have to use in the future.

At break we wore aloud to buy slushie from the canteen, go on our phones, play with a ball and other entertaining stuff.  And at lunch we got food from either line their was one of each side or we brought our own packed lunch .

And on our very last day off visiting we had house games house games are game that we would play and every house had a team there wore games like tug off war!. it was really amusing to watch all the people run around and compete.


Wallace hall

last week from Wednesday to Friday all the P7s [apart from two] went to Wallace hall for p7 induction days. one of my favourite parts was actually the bus. I made a lot of new friends. My favourite subjects were P.E, information technology, design and technology and science. in design and technology we got to make key chains. In P.E we played a massive game of capture the flag our team won. in science we got to burn magnesium when it got hot enough it started glowing bright white. in maths we done colouring in. Well not  colouring in we had to find out how many patterns we could make with three colours [which i think is silly because i done that in primary two] we were going to do maths on the second day but we ended up doing health and well being which i found very boring. There was a photographer who came in the middle of health and well being to take a photo of our class so when we are leaving high school we can look back at it and see how much we changed! We had biology as well all that was is the teacher giving us a tour of the classroom and showing us were everything was. We also did a safety quiz and what the different danger/warning signs.




My free days at high school were amazing we done lots of fun things like .

football : I tried out for the football team .

English : In English we watched part of a movie and write about are self  .

maths : In maths I was fastest person at adding numbers in my head so i got to lean a mind reading trick .

art : In art we coloured in and got a sweet  .

social studies : I was terrible at social studies .

science : We used Bunsen  burners .

assembly : We got are tie .


“It was the best”

By Dakota



High school

 On Wednesday Thursday and Friday the p7,s went on induction day and some went to Wallace hall. In maths we got to colour in football strips. The football strips we did all the different combinations we can make with 3 colours. In History we where learning about the worlds oldest man from 4300 years ago and he died when he was around 40 years old and he was found at the top of a glacier. In art we had to make our names into monsters we put teeth, eyes, toungs, noses and mouthes on them and we could put hats on them but some people didn’t. In English we did a word search I found about 2 thirds of the words because they where quite hard to find. in d&t we did 1 point perspective 3D shapes. In French we where answering questions a ,b ,c or d  in sign language.

By Tumaini & olivia 

High school from Wednesday to Friday


In the morning at 07:15 we stepped on the bus and drove in half an hour to Thornhill. When we got there we waited on school for around 30 minutes because school started on 9:15.


We started with our risk assessment in science. After we knew all the risks in science we started to talk about what we do in science last time we made paper rockets ! And in the last ten minutes we lighted some Bunsen Burners.


In English we got dictionary’s and a word scrabble to improve vocabulary. And we had a small book with some games to improve our spelling also we had a listening story with questions every 5 minutes of the story.


We had a quiz with questions about Spain I wasn’t the best with it but i had quite a few answers right.


We also got a Quiz about France how well you know about France. It was about everything in France French cheese (Brie) , Monuments, Cities And it’s President.


In Maths we had to colour in football strips and look how many different combinations there are. (Pretty Boring)

Information Technologies

In IT we had a kind of quiz the teacher said 5 words and we had to guess where he is thinking about and that for every word ! we went on the computers and played Kahoot a quiz where we pick a answer like guess the music or guess the food and the person with the most score wins and it was amusing and enjoyable.

By Contijn And Esmae



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